“O my fellow prisoners, one of you will serve wine to his master, while the other will be crucifer and birds will eat from his head. Destined is the matter you are asking about.”
From here on, he begins interpreting the dreams of those two prisoners, but before this Yusuf had preached them Monotheism and then he expressed his miracle for them. He began with the interpretation of the butler.
It has been narrated that the first prisoner had also seen three bunches of grapes in his dream. Hadrat Yusuf said that they meant that that prisoner would remain in prison for three more days and he would return to his original profession on the fourth day.
The other prisoner on the other hand, who had been the King’s cook, had seen three bags instead. Yusuf said that they also meant that he would stay in prison for three more days, but his end was much more gloomy. The king would take him out of the prison after that and had him hanged where the birds could eat on his head.
‣ After he relays the message of oneness of Allah, he talks about the dream
‣ He said “One of you”
• He didn’t mention names because one didn’t have a good interpretation, so he doesn’t want to put anyone on his spot
‣ He said one of you will return back and serve his king, and the other will be crucified, and the birds will eat from his head
• The person said “Just kidding, I didn’t see that dream.”
• Yusuf said to never lie about dreams, and it’s already been decreed upon them
Lesson :
Is that how bad news should be handle,it should be presented before the addressee, as far as possible , in a way that it brings the least discomfort to him. This is as it was when the death of one person was destined on the basis of his dream۔
But Yusuf kept it ambiguous . He did not make it precise and fixed by telling him that he will be the one to be hanged.
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