Surah Yusuf #61

They said, “We shall persuade his father about him and will certainly do it.”

They said, “We shall persuade his father…”

Notice they said ‘his father’ and not ‘our father.’  You can sense the jealousy already, and they know how much Ya‘qub loves Binyamin.  

They say, “We are going to try to convince his father to let go of him.”  They know that they don’t have the same love, and so there is this hurt and pain that they have.  
You can sense this distance.  They should have said ‘our father,’ but they said ‘his father.’

“…and we will do it.”

They knew that this was going to be a challenge. Their father simply was not willing to send Binyamin with them but they are going to try their best to convince him. 
They have done worse, and they can do this.  They know it.  They have their tactics.  Here you get a little bit of arrogance, if you like.  They are so sure and certain that “Yes, we can bring Binyamin as well.”

The question is why would Yusuf want his younger brother to come to Egypt and deprive his father from both his sons. 

The answer is that Allah told him to do so. Ya’qub was old and blind and the brothers were treating Binyamin in a very harsh manner. 

Binyamin was maybe not in threat but was not being treated properly. That’s why Allah wanted to save Binyamin as well and bring him into Egypt.

Authentic Tauheed
What about the brother you left behind?’
–Yaqub had 12 sons .. 1 is left behind, 1 is Minister of Finance and the other 10 were there in Egypt for food
–Yusuf gave them a clue by asking this
–their situation was pathetic because they didn’t recognize what he was saying to them

‣ It is acceptable to obey a non-Muslim ruler as long as he not asking to do haram.

‣ Yusuf did not take advantage of the situation; he answered the servant without

‣ Faraj (relief, ease, and comfort) comes after hardship.

‣ There are three types of nafs.

‣ It is permissible to ask a possession of authority if you are the most suitable person for it.

‣ Allah will allow the righteous to be in charge of the affairs of the ummah if their intentions
are correct.

‣ Evil always returns home.

‣ Allah gives the righteous the authority of the affairs of the ummah.

‣ Allah is merciful to those whom wrong themselves.

‣ At-Tamkeen is for the righteous.

‣ This world is worthless to the All-Mighty.

‣ Allah is very merciful to the righteous servants.

‣ Allah blessed Yusuf (u) and he was able to recognize his brothers as soon as they walked in


Allah (swt) is pleased with us when we strive to complete a task, taking every step that is needed.  

Yusuf (AS) had the determination to bring his younger brother to Egypt. He had a goal, and he took many steps in order to reach his goal.

 If we strive to please Allah (swt) then He (swt) will give us insight into the true reality of situations. 

Allah (swt) will give us the knowledge with which we can perceive the reality for what it truly is.

It is said that knowledge is the greatest of power that one can have over a person. 

Yusuf (AS) had full knowledge over his brothers, he knew exactly who they were, what they were speaking and why they had come. 

They on other hand were completely ignorant of him. They had no knowledge whatsoever that this man was Yusuf (AS). 

So see here how much power Allah (swt) had given Yusuf (AS) over his brothers. 

He knew them fully while they were completely ignorant of him. 

Such is how Allah (swt) raises those whom He (swt) is pleased with in degrees over others.