Surah Yusuf #86

“He said: ‘I only complain of my anguish and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know’.”

Ya‘qub declared that he used to relate his grief, his need, his life problems and his difficulties to Allah in the dark of night and in private time;

“He said: ‘I only complain of my anguish and my grief to Allah, “

This means:  “I didn’t intend your sympathy.  This just came out.  I don’t need your comments and your analysis. I am only complaining to Allah (subhanahu wata’ala).”

It is as if he is mocking their analysis of him, and he uses a word that is very harsh but it is true in that

“I know that I’m mumbling all the time.  I know that I am always talking about Yusuf, but I’m not doing it for you.  You don’t have to listen.”

“And my grief is only to Allah.  I am doing it for Allah (subhanahu wata’ala).”

This also shows us that complaining to Allah is a sign of iman.

A lot of us have an incorrect concept of this issue.  What does it mean to complain to Allah?

Complaining to Allah means you bring out Allah’s sympathy by talking about your situation.

This is something that is completely permissible because who else with sympathize with you other than Allah?

Who else will show you mercy other than Allah?

The sign of iman is to complain only to Allah and not to others.  You don’t want their sympathy.

You are allowed to complain to Allah in a positive manner.

What is a positive manner?

You don’t question the Wisdom of Allah.  Questioning the Wisdom of Allah is off limits.

Complaining means you express your grief to Allah, and you try to elicit sympathy from Allah by your miserable state and not by what Allah has done.  This is what complaining is, and this is what Ya‘qub is doing here.

An example of this is:  “O Allah, you see my state.  O Allah, you see finances are difficult and I have a family to feed.  O Allah, only You can save me from this situation.”

This is complaining to Allah, and it is part of iman.  You do it to Allah, and you don’t do it to the rest of the creation.

“I only want Allah’s Mercy.  I know from Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) that which you do not know.”

What does he know?

He knows that Yusuf must be alive.

Notice that we know that Allah did not inspire Ya‘qub for a Wisdom known to Him.

Allah did not inspire Ya‘qub about where Yusuf is, but he remembers the dream of Yusuf, and he believes that Allah must fulfill that dream.

He has iman in Allah.  This is a test of his iman:

“Do you believe or not?  You have seen the dream, and you know the dream, will you believe this will happen or not?”

We can estimate that for maybe forty years, he has not heard one whiff of Yusuf.

But rather he knew that Yusuf  was still alive,but he did not know where he was.

Does he have faith in Allah that Allah has protected his son as he saw the dream?

He does have faith, and he says,

“I am certain.  I know from Allah that which you don’t know.”

Authentic Tauheed

who were responsible for their father’s blindness.. : they were

— if a Muslim boy is taking drugs, and the mother became sick with high blood pressure, who is responsible

— the boy with his evil deeds : when the sons of Yaqub saw him going blind with sorrow for losing Yusuf
— they became guilty;


  • Complaining nullifies beautiful patience (if you’re not accepting what is there for you )
  • Ya‘qub complains only to Allah and not to people
  • Beautiful patience makes person beautiful even with old age
  • What does he know that they don’t know?
  • Because of the dream of Prophet Yusuf, he has interpreted that one day they will be together again, prostration of stars are the brothers and the mother and the father are the sun and the moon

Messages to Note “

  1. A monotheist shares his secrets and his hidden troubles only with Allah.
  2. The best action in this regard is to take one’s complaint to Allah.
  3. There lies in a dialogue or a discussion with Allah such a great pleasure which cannot be understood by ordinary people.
  4. Superficial people usually pass by events easily. However thoughtful people follow events until their outcome in the Hereafter.


  • Don’t keep your anger and your frustrations locked up inside.

So whom do I take this anger out on, my wife? My kids?

Well this is what Prophet Yaqub (Peace be upon him) did: “I only complain of my grief and sorrow to Allah.”

Yes complain to Him, He will listen and He will reward. Until then be patient.

  • Try to hold in your anger. A person, who believes in Allah, will only complain to Allah
  • Of the wisdom that we learn is that complaining to Allāh is actually a sign of īmān if it is done properly, and complaining to the people is not a sign of īmān.  Ya‘qūb says, “I complain of my situation to Allāh.”