Surah Yusuf #87

“O’ my sons! Go and enquire about Yusuf and his brother, and never despair of Allah’s Mercy. Verily none despairs of Allah’s Mercy except the unbelieving people.”

O my sons, go out and through your senses (your hearing, your seeing) go and search for Yusuf.

Hear anything, see anything, taste anything, smell anything.  Do anything you can to find Yusuf and his brothers.

Find information about what really happened.”

Hashasa means ‘through your senses (your ears, your hearing, your seeing).’

And now he explicitly says what we have been saying for the last four verses:

“And never give up hope of Allah’s Mercy.”

“No one can give up hope of Allah’s Mercy except a people who don’t believe in Him.”

Notice, SubhanAllah, if you have iman in Allah, you must be optimistic about Allah.

This is what he is saying.  If you truly have iman, you must be optimistic.

He cannot imagine a person who believes in Allah and is pessimistic.  Only if you are a kafir can you be pessimistic.

How can you give up hope in Allah?

How can you not believe that there is a wisdom why Allah is doing this?

Have you given up hope of Allah?  Only a kafir can give up hope.

Allah ‘azza wa jall says in a sahih hadith qudsi:

“I am as My servant thinks of Me.  So when he thinks good thoughts of Me, I will give him good.

And when he thinks bad thoughts of Me, then he will get what he thought.”

SubhanAllah, we understand this even in our own dealings with other people.

If you think that somebody is going to be cheap and stingy, why should he be generous to you?

He is going to be stingy to you.

If you assume bad thoughts of somebody else, “I didn’t expect good from you anyway” – well, then he is going to treat you that way.

If you thought that somebody would be generous and you assumed it,

then the person who people thought would be generous then feels that he should be generous because people think we will be generous.

If this is the case, we understand it in our limited minds.  To Allah belongs the perfect example.

Allah is saying, “I do with My servants as they think I will do with them.

If My servant has good thoughts of Me, and He is optimistic in Me…”

This is like Ya‘qub.  He never loses hope, and he puts his trust in Allah.

He tells his sons, “Go and search.  All three of them will come back.”  SubhanAllah, he has just lost one-two-three, and his optimism increases.

And look, he gets back the three and he is taken to Egypt and given a high position.

When he put his trust in Allah and he was optimistic, what happens?

He gets all of it and more.  This is a sign of iman.


  • Sanctity and holiness of oaths.
  • It is imperative to support your arguments with evidence.
  • Beautiful patience will only bring about good things.
  • Always expect good from your Lord.
  • Weeping and crying will not invalidate, abolish, or nullify beautiful patience.
  • Yaqub (u) cried until he was blind.
  • The difference between “tahsas” and “tajasus”.
  • Sadness can kill.
  • Allah always remembers the demoralized or those who are oppressed.
  • True believers complain only to Allah, invoke Allah and pray humbly to Allah
  • It is forbidden to lose hope or despair in Allah.


Have a good thoughts of Allah. Do not despair or lose hope in Allah

Don’t lose hope in Allah. Always believe there was a good reason why something happened.