“When the caravan departed [from Egypt] their father said, ‘I can smell the smell of Yūsuf, but only the fact that you will think that I am a senile old man I would tell you even more or I would walk out to meet him.'”
Finally, Allah’s grace became manifest. Beside them with joy, Ya‘qub’s sons took the shirt and headed for Kan‘an.
When the caravan departed from Egypt, their father said that he perceived Yusuf’s smell while people around him would not believe him.
The verse says:
“When the caravan departed [from Egypt] their father said, ‘I can smell the smell of Yūsuf, but only the fact that you will think that I am a senile old man I would tell you even more or I would walk out to meet him.’”
Notice he smelled it when the caravan left Egypt. They are still a thousand miles away.
When it leaves Egypt and he is in Canaan, he smelled the scent of Yūsuf.
SubḥānAllāh, there is no doubt this is a miracle from Allāh ‘azza wa jall that He has given to Ya‘qūb; otherwise, it is not even humanly possible to smell the smell at that distance.
Allāh has given him a miracle, an optimistic sign, and a hope that something is changing.
He remembers the smell of his son Yūsuf. SubḥānAllāh, it has been forty or fifty years, and he remembers how Yūsuf smells.
Look at the love that he had for his son. When he smelled that smell, he knew that this was the smell of Yūsuf.
‣ They go back to their father
‣ As soon as the caravan departs from Egypt (it’s over a week’s journey away), Yacoob says
“I smell the scent of Yusuf. If you don’t think I’m senile, I would’ve said more than that.”
• Who’s at home?
The grandchildren and the wives
• Some scholars have said he would’ve said “Yusuf is alive.”