Surah Yusuf #11

They said (to Yaqoob), “Our father, why is it that you do not trust us about Yusuf, while we are his well-wishers Indeed.

Surah Yusuf #11


We had reached the story of Yusuf where the brothers of Yusuf were trying to convince their father to hand over Yusuf to them.

They said, “Oh our father, why don’t you trust us with Yusuf? Why don’t you give us the protection of Yusuf? And indeed surely, we are those who want good for him.

From this wording when they say “Oh our father, why don’t you give us Yusuf?”

it shows that before this time, Yusuf was not being given to them. Before this time, the brothers had never had the opportunity to take care of Yusuf. This means the father was taking precautions from before and not allowing the brothers to take Yusuf. They know that there is a problem, and they know that their father does not trust them.

They go to their father and make him feel guilty. They say, “Oh our father, why don’t you hand over our brother to us? How can you doubt our intention? We only want to enjoy his company. We want his good. (wa inna lahu la naasihoon).” They say, “What is the matter? What is the issue? Is there any problem?” By doing this, they take on an offensive and are not pacifist in trying to get Yusuf from their father.


The importance of being cautious of the evil results of sins, because one sin often leads to many others. For the brothers of Yusuf tried varying plots when they wanted to separate him from his father; they lied many times, they falsified the blood on the shirt, they came at night pretending to cry, and all of this is as a result of one sin, one thing leading to a next.