Surah Yusuf #57

“And the reward of the Hereafter is surely better for those who believe and constantly observe Taqwa “

Sura Yusuf 57


Yusuf is now, masha’Allah, the richest man in Egypt and has his entourage and palace and power, but the reward of the hereafter is even better for those who truly believe and have taqwa of Allah and did their duty to Him.

This verse “the reward of the hereafter is even better” shows us that the believer shall be rewarded in this life because Allah uses the word “better,” and “better” is only used when there are two.

Sufyan ibn Uyaynah and other scholars of the past used this verse to say that the believer shall get two rewards.

He shall be rewarded for the good deed in this dunya, and he shall also be rewarded in the next.

The one who did not have any faith in Allah, he will not be rewarded in the next, and he will only be rewarded in this world, and nothing will face him in the next.

This ayah and the whole story as of yet shows the same motif over and over again. One of the main motifs of the story is righteousness will always save you. Turning to Allah and living a good life will always bring about blessings in this world before that of the next.


Some time you may not able to see the light at end of the tunnel but Allah brings khair.

From where you can see or understand with a condition of righteousness

The king dream was a mercy from Allah to Yusuf

The benefits that Yusuf got out of this dream

  • He was released out of the prison
  • Because of it, he became very close to the King
  • He was able to proof he was innocent
  • He became well known in the country


  • Allah is very generous to his servants by giving them the best of this life and the next.
  • The means of achieving the best of the next life is by having iman and taqwa.
  • The servant should always ask Allah for his rewards and bounties and he should not be disappointed whenever he sees the people enjoying the pleasures of this world whereby he is unable to partake.
  • Rather he should ask Allah for His great reward and bounties in the next life based on His statement,

“And verily, the reward of the Hereafter is better for those who believe and used to fear Allah and keep their duty to Him.”