They said, “We shall persuade his father about him and will certainly do it.” Tafseer They said, “We shall persuade his father…” Notice they said ‘his father’ and not ‘our father.’ You can sense the jealousy already, and they know how much Ya‘qub loves Binyamin. They say, “We are going to try to convince his father …
Category Archives: Tafseer
Surah Yusuf #60
“But if you do not bring him to me you shall have no measure (of corn) from me nor shall you (even) come near me.” Surah Yusuf 60 TAFSEER This means that they will not even be able to come into this land. The will be banned until they bring their eleventh brother. He gave …
Surah Yusuf #59
“And when he provided them with their provisions, he said: ‘Bring unto me a brother of years from your father. Do you not see that I give full measure, and (that) I am the best of hosts?’” Surah Yusuf 59 TAFSEER After he had prepared for them their jahhaz…” Jahhaz here means their provisions they …
Surah Yusuf #58
“And come the brothers of Yusuf and appeared before him. He recognizes them, while they did not recognize him.” TAFSEER ; What we can surmise from these three or four words is that a number of years have gone by, and the drought has spread in all of Egypt and the surrounding lands all the …
Surah Yusuf #57
“And the reward of the Hereafter is surely better for those who believe and constantly observe Taqwa “ Sura Yusuf 57 TAFSEER Yusuf is now, masha’Allah, the richest man in Egypt and has his entourage and palace and power, but the reward of the hereafter is even better for those who truly believe and have …