“And most of them do not believe in Allah except that they associate others (with him).” This verse indicates that most of those who claim to be believers in Allah in fact associate others with Him, their faith is not pure but mixed with the worship of and reliance upon others. Imam Rida (as) has …
Category Archives: Tafseer
Yusuf Verse #105
“And how many a sign there is in the heavens and on the earth which they pass by while they turn away from it.” Allāh (subḥānahu wa ta‘āla) is saying, “Ya Rasūlullāh, you have clear signs. You are truthful, have miracles, and have no motivation. You are not the only sign. They have plenty of other signs. …
Surah Yusuf #104
“And you do not ask them for any reward for it; it (the Qur’an) is no other than a reminder for all mankind.” In other words, remember what is the conclusion of Yūsuf. Why is Allāh ‘azza wa jall going into this conclusion? Allāh ‘azza wa jall is linking the sūrah to the message of …
Yusuf Verse #103
“And most people will not believe, though you desire it.” Allāh is saying, “Even though it is so clear that this Qurʾān is from Allāh and even though it is so clear that you are getting waḥy, most of mankind will not believe despite the fact that you want them to believe.” This clearly shows …
Surah Yusuf #102
“That is of the news of the Unseen (which) We reveal to you (O’ Prophet); and you were not with them (the brothers of Joseph) when they agreed upon their plan and they were plotting.” This is of the news of the ghayb…” “All of this is from the knowledge of the ghayb that We …