“She said: ‘This is before you he about whom you did blame me! And indeed I sought to seduce him from his (pure) self, but he proved continent. And (now), if he does not do what I command him, he shall certainly be imprisoned, and will certainly be of the humiliated!’” TAFSEER At this moment, …
Category Archives: Yusuf
Surah Yusuf #31
“So when she heard about their malicious talk, she sent for them and prepared a repast for them. Then she gave each one of them a knife, and said to him (Yusuf): ‘Come forth to them.’ When they saw him, they extolled him, and (in their amazement) cut their hands and said (exclaimed): ‘Allah Blameless! …
Surah Yusuf #30
The women of the city began speaking, ‘The wife of ‘Aziz is attempting to seduce her own slave. She has loved him a violent, passionate love. We see her to be in such manifest and clear error.’ Tafseer Despite the attempts of ‘Aziz to keep the matter hush-hush and quiet, the news spreads. SubhanAllahthis is the Sunnah of …
Surah Yusuf #29
O Yusuf! Overlook this matter; and you, (O my wife), ask forgiveness for your sin, for surely you are of the wrong-doers. Surah Yusuf 29 Tafseer: “Yusuf, turn away from this…” This means: don’t tell anybody, ignore it, imagine that this never happened. “There were only four people, and it is a small thing, and …
Surah Yusuf #28
So when he (the ‘Aziz) saw his shirt was torn from behind, he said: ‘Verily it is of the guile of you women! Truly, your guile is great’. Surah Yusuf 28 Tafseer: There are four people here now: the wife of ‘Aziz, ‘Aziz, Yusuf, and the witness. The husband knows that he is not supposed …