Surah Yusuf #38

“And I have followed the way of my Fathers, Ibrahim , Ishaq, and Yaqub . It is not for us that we associate any partner with Allah. All of this is a part of the favor Allah has bestowed upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.”

Surah Yusuf 38


The importance of priorities. For when he was asked by the two young men to interpret their dreams, there were other matters of importance that they were in greater need of knowing before their questions were to be answered.

This is a sign of a teacher possessing great intelligence, and the ability to correctly guide and teach, for when Yusuf was asked by the two young men about their dreams, he first called them to Allah before interpreting their dreams.

Since hereditary nobility plays an important role in the formation of the character of an individual, it also has a very important role when people are to accept.

Therefore,  Yusuf introduces himself by presenting his illustrious lineage of forefathers, all of whom were Divine prophets, confirming, at the same time, his sanctified message. This is exactly the same method which the Prophet (S) used to employ in introducing himself.

“And I have followed the religion of my fathers, ’Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya‘qub…”

Yusuf is not only a descendent by blood lineage, he is also an inheritor of a spiritual lineage as well, thus it does not behoove (to be worth while)him to associate anyone with Allah,

The verse says:

“…And it beseems us not to associate aught with Allah. That is of Allah’s favor upon us and upon mankind…”

Unfortunately, most people do not thank Allah for all these blessings and deviate from the Right Path. The verse says:

“…but most people do not give thanks.”

Incidentally, it is worthy to note that these verses show that despite the fact that Yusuf (as) used to live among those idol – worshippers, Allah, the Magnificent,

has nowhere mentioned that this respectable and worthy person ever called on the people to be monotheistic and worship the One God, except in this verse where he has extended the invitation to the two prisoners who were with him in prison.

It seems that he was not at all optimistic about the people of Egypt lending their ears to him, let alone accepting his message.

However, when he noticed that these two individuals took him as a righteous and decent man of good conduct, and they turned to him, a glimmer of hope and success appeared in his heart that they might probably listen to him and accept him.

As a result, he proceeded to call them to the worship of Allah and thus be converted to the faith of monotheism.(one God)


Affirmed another belief: belief in prophets and messengers

Their desires for example

  • Islam is surrendering to the will of Allah
  • Allah created us to worship him
  • Worship is an all encompassing word that means to do all that is pleasing to Allah whether it’s an action of heart, limbs, mouth, etc.

Anything that’s pleasing to Allah is considered worship
“I have not created the jinn and mankind except for worship.”
When you speak to people, speak with examples that they understand. Otherwise, it can cause a fitnah or a miscommunication


We learn from this sūrah is that actions precede words when it comes to calling people to Islam.

The fact of the matter is that we have not established our social credentials and have not shown them who we are.  We haven’t explained to them about charity and taking care of the poor and the status of the orphan.

We haven’t demonstrated that we are morally responsible for the dispossessed.  This is our religion.  Look at Yūsuf and what he does in jail and throughout the entire story.

He always establishes his moral character, mercy, tenderness, iḥsān.  What did the criminals say in the prison?  We see you are a man of good deeds.

He hasn’t even opened his mouth to preach, but within a few days, the prison is abuzz that this is a good guy.  Once that is established, then the opportunity presents itself and then Yūsuf starts preaching the message.

we learn from the story is that when we do call to Islam, we should call to tawḥīd and monotheism.  This is the gist of our religion:  la ilāha illa Allāh.

What really makes our religion so precious to us?  The shahādah.  la ilāha illa Allāh Muḥammadan rasūlullāh.  This is what Yūsuf (‘alayhi’l-salām) preached to the people, and that is what you continue to tell to the people who do not know your faith.

It is a very simple religion.  There is One, All-Perfect God and you continue to worship Him as long as you live.

Surah Yusuf #37

“He said: ‘There shall not come to you the food with which you are fed but I will inform you both of its interpretation before it comes to you. This is of what my Lord has taught me. Verily, I have abandoned the religion of a people who do not believe in Allah and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter’.”


This is the first time in the entire Surah that we hear Yusuf (AS) speaking for an extended period of time. Before this Yusuf (AS) was mostly silent. Not only was he (AS) silent but he (AS) was also passive. Yusuf did not do much but rather others did things to him. However now when the time comes for calling the people to Allah (swt), then we see Yusuf (As) speak.

Yusuf (AS) then admits that this was only from the bounty of Allah (swt) upon him and his fathers. It was only from the bounty of Allah (swt) that they were able worship Allah alone. Were it not for Allah (swt) then they would not be able to worship Allah alone.

In the first part of the verse, it is probable that the Qur’an is hinting that Yusuf said he also knew from the side of Allah what kind of food that would be served to them, and that he could also interpret their dreams just as easily. 

In this case, the implication would be that in addition to interpreting dreams, Yusuf also knew about other things as well, which he used to foretell. This ability is similar to that of Hadrat Isa (as) who used to read the minds of those around him regarding what they used to eat or what they had stored in their houses. 

Question: Why did Hadrat Yusuf (as) not interpret their dreams then and there but postpone their interpretation for later?

Fakhr Razi provides the answer to this question as follows:

1. He wanted to make them wait so that he could advise, admonish, and convert them, perhaps that person might believe before his execution. 

2. He wanted to build up their confidence by foretelling the kind of food before the food had been served.

3. He wanted to tantalize them so that they would lend their ears more carefully to what he had to say.

4. As the interpretation of one of the dreams was that that person was going to be executed, Yusuf was postponing the issue so that that person might not lose heart too suddenly.

At any rate, Yusuf, who would not miss any opportunity to provide guidance and counseling, made the most of the two prisoners’ requests for the interpretation of their dreams, and used them as a means for introducing and explaining important facts which were helpful not only for their lives, but also for all human beings.

At first, in order to build their confidence, he told them that he would tell them the meanings of their dreams before their food had arrived. 


He said I will tell you the meanings of the dreams that you’re asking me about, but before the food comes (as set times of food in prison), but that that all of this, the reason why you have come to me to interpret dreams is because it’s something my lord has taught me

‣ The reason why I’m so nice, I’m kind, etc… I’m only doing this because I am a Muslim, and this what Muslims do, now do you want to know what Islam is?

‣ He said I left the people who didn’t believe in Allah (the people of Egypt) and they don’t believe in the hereafter

• There are two aspects of shahadah 

– Negation

– Affirmation

‣ The oneness of Allah is very simple, and it’s part of fitrah

• So they might come to you and ask about very controversial issues

• If you spend the time trying to defend those controversial issues, you might be able to clarify to them the Islamic viewpoint on this issue, but you didn’t fulfill the purpose of

saying “La ilaha ila Allah.”

• You say “I believe that Allah revealed the Quran to Prophet Muhamed, and this is the

true word, and he has ordered me to do so. Now do you you know why I believe

Islam is the true religion?”

• After you take care of La ilaha ila Allah, then you can go to other issues

• The principles and standards, what’s considered right and wrong is always changing

• If there was more the one God, there would be total chaos

• It’s natural disposition when in need, you go back to Allah subhano wa ta’ala

• But you should be like Prophet Yusuf, you should be so kind that people came to him

for help, then he had the opportunity to call them to Islam

 ‣ He’s mentioning two of the pillars of faith

• The shahada

• The belief in the hereafter


1)Take advantage of every opportunity to spread Islam – Anwar AnawlakiYusuf tried his best to spread Islam (submission to Allah) to the best of his abilities. We can see the example of when he was in prison how well he did this, he first starts by informing them that Allah will allow the food to come to them only after he has given the interpretation of the dreams. He also spreads Islam by informing them that his skill of interpreting dreams was granted to him by Allah.

2)When you have the chance, always tell others about your religion. (Ayah 37)

3)you need to speak to people at a time and place they are comfortable with. 

  This is what Yūsuf did.  They come to him with the question of interpreting the dream, and Yūsuf understands, “Now I have your attention for a few minutes, so let me use this opportunity.  Give me five minutes.”  He then preaches Islam to them.  

This shows us that if you do want to tell people about your religion, make sure that the time and the place is appropriate.  Don’t try to shove the religion down their throats.  Don’t try to be in your face.  This is a very beautiful point that we learn from Yūsuf.1. Yusuf was seven years old when his brothers put him in that well so at what age must his father have taught him (AS) about this religion? Thus one lesson that we can take from above verses is to realize how important it is to teach our children about our religion from an early age.
2. Allah (swt) is the reason behind every single good that we do. The fact that we are able to pray and fast and worship Him is a gift from Allah. The fact that we are able to stay away from the major sins is a gift from Him (swt). This is something that we must always be reminding ourselves of.

Surah Yusuf #36

 “And with him there entered into the prison two youths. One of them said (unto Yusuf): ‘I saw (in dream) myself pressing wine’ The other said: ‘I saw (in my dream) myself carrying on my head bread from which the birds were eating.’ Tell us its interpretations, verily we see you of the righteous ones’.”


Among those who entered into prison with Yusuf, there were two young men, as the verse says:

And with him there entered into the prison two youths…”

It is important to note that they were imprisoned because of the false accusations of their enemies who claimed that they were about to poison the king. 

“…One of them said (unto Yusuf): ‘I saw (in dream) myself pressing wine’ The other said: ‘I saw (in my dream) myself carrying on my head bread from which the birds were eating.’…”

With this ayah Allah (swt) begins a new section of this Surah. Now the trial with the wife of the Aziz and the women of the city was over. Yusuf (AS) was no longer faced with their temptations. Allah tells us in this verse that two youth entered the prison with him.  These two young men each tell Yusuf (AS) about the dream that each of them had and then they ask him (AS) for the interpretation of these dreams.

What made them come to Yusuf (AS)? As Allah (swt) tells us in the ayah it was because he was among those who had Ihsan. There are two kinds of Ihsan.

1) Ihsan towards Allah 

2)Ihsan towards people.

 Ihsan towards Allah (swt) is to build within you the certain knowledge that Allah sees you so you do every action to please Him alone.

Ihsan towards people is that you always wish the best for them. You are always sincere to them. You only want for them what you know is best for them. You desire good for them so you go out of your way to provide them with good.

Yusuf (AS) was among those who did this. He (AS) only wanted the best for others. The prisoners in the jail saw this. It is recorded in the books of tafsir that Yusuf (AS) would go out of his way to help all of the prisoners. He (AS) would visit those prisoners who were sick and he would stand by them during their sickness. 

He (AS) would help them and provide for them all that they need to get through their sickness. He (AS) would also console and support those prisoners who were feeling sad and depressed. He (AS) would remind them of Allah (swt) and remind them how He (swt) knew about their suffering and pains. 

Yusuf (AS) would also give space and relief for those prisoners who felt the narrowness of the prison constricting in on them. He (AS) would remind them of their relief that is coming soon, either with their release from prison or with their deaths and their return to Allah (swt). 

So in every way, Yusuf (AS) was always there for these prisoners. Even though they had done nothing for him, and even though many of them were criminals, Yusuf (AS) still tried to do what was best for them. Thus he (AS) had Ihsan for the creation just like he had for the Creator. He was sincere for them and he (as) did good for them to the best of his ability. This then is the reason why these two young men came to Yusuf (AS). This then is why they told him (AS) about their dream.

Then, they added to their statement unto Yusuf:

“…Tell us its interpretations, verily we see you of the righteous ones’.”

Some Issues to Remember

1. An Islamic tradition denotes that the reason why they called Yusuf a truly righteous person was because he used to always take care of the sick and the needy in the prison and find accommodation for others.

2. We must take dreams seriously, for there are secrets hidden in some of them. 

3. Once the people have confidence in someone, they tend to share all their secrets with him.

4. Enlightened people also leave their impact and influence upon others even when they are confined in prison.

5. Even guilty people tend to have a high esteem for those who are truly righteous.

Authentic tauheed:You can expect the majority of the prison population to be young men
–esp when you are young and naive, you do not care about life, you do stupid things
–in daar ul harb, they have a huge prison population
–2 men were in prison with the Yusuf and 
–they asked for the interpretation of their dreams


  1)Remain Pious whether humiliated or in a very high position – Omar Suleiman

Yusuf’s character shines in all situations. Yusuf in his lowest part of his life in prison is called a Muhsinun by a person who didn’t even know him and the highest position in his  life is still called a Muhsinun by his brothers who didn’t recognize him as Yusuf; which shows that wealth and fame didn’t corrupt him. The same words were said to him at the lowest and highest point in his life to show that the circumstances didn’t change him.

2)Action precede words when it comes to calling people to Islam. 

Look at Yūsuf ,and what he does in jail and throughout the entire story.  He always establishes his moral character, mercy, tenderness, iḥsān.  

He hasn’t even opened his mouth to preach, but within a few days, the prison is abuzz that this is a good guy.  Once that is established, then the opportunity presents itself and then Yūsuf starts preaching the message.  

3)We must live a good life, so people will have confidence in us. People who have knowledge influence others in any circumstance. 

4)Any trial or temptation will eventually pass. If only we can have the patience for Allah (swt) in just one more moment, then eventually we will find that the temptation has passed.

5)One of the most challenging things when facing difficulty is ACTUALLY accepting what happened to us. We may not be in the ideal situation to face this difficulty or challenge. However, denying and resisting our current situation will not help. In fact, what you resist persists.  Accept it so you can start moving through it. 

6)Nothing happens by accident. Everything occurs for a purpose. Often life isn’t fair – but our responsibility is to do right and leave the consequences to Allah. 

7)Invest your time in meeting the needs of others.  In spite of his own difficulty and hardship, Yusuf had become sensitive to others. we can invest our time in meeting the needs of others. Yusuf not only noticed and cared – he got involved.

The more  lesson you learn from this ayah is that
–the kuffar can have true dreams
–the pagan prisoners did not go to kaafirs for interpretation of their dreams
–but they went to a pious man, Yusuf
–therefore you should only approach pious people to interpret dreams for you
–and also, do not even tell your dreams to people who are not pious
–these are the lessons one may learn from this ayah
–do not approach evil people to interpret dreams, even the kaafir knows this
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Surah Yusuf #35

“Then it seemed to them, after they had seen the signs (of his innocence), to imprison him till a time.”


From Palace to Prison:

The strange meeting between the Egyptian women and Yusuf in the palace of the ‘Aziz, with its particular tumult, ended. The fear of the increasing damage the sex scandal was causing to the prestige of his family.

In the view of people, it was becoming more and more every day. The ‘Aziz and his advisors thought that the only way to rescue the situation was to remove Yusuf from the scene entirely, and the best way to do that was to send him to prison.

This would not only help the people forget about the situation, but would also make it seem that real culprit had been Yusuf himself.

The Qur’an in this holy verse says:

“Then it seemed to them, after they had seen the signs (of his innocence), to imprison him till a time.”

In such morally decrepit environments, apparently freedom only belongs to those who are corrupt and so does everything else, whereas the pure and God-fearing individuals, like Yusuf, must be isolated and imprisoned. However, such a situation never lasts forever.

Then it occurred to them”. Them in this ayah refers to the nobles of the city. The Aziz and the other upper classmen of the city – the ones whose wives were enthralled with Yusuf (AS). They came up with an idea to send Yusuf to prison after seeing that their wives were madly in love with Yusuf (AS).

The scandal was all over the city so they need to figure out a way to suppress this scandal. They decided that the only way they could suppress the scandal and remove Yusuf from their wives’ lives was to imprison him without trial until a given time. They knew that Yusuf (as) was innocent. They knew that it was really their own women who were guilty because they had sought to seduce Yusuf, but still they decided to send an innocent man to prison.

Some scholars say that Yusuf was taken to prison in chains. Before they put him in the prison, they made him ride on a donkey, and he was paraded across the streets of the city for all to see. The people thought him to be a criminal even though he was the most innocent and righteous of men in their city. Yusuf (AS) bore with patience all that was done to him, and he took comfort in the fact that Allah (swt) was well Aware of all his sufferings.


  1. Only a person with a distracted mind would engage in a fruitless act causing trouble for everyone, like throwing an important needle into the bottom of a well which could not be found and taken out by a hundred wise men.
  2. Love is such a distraction. A woman fell in love and although many men and high-ranking officials of a country joined together to solve the problems caused by that woman, they were unable to find a solution.
  3. Trials and courts are held in default of a person aften as ceremonial gestures in palaces where despots and dictators live, assure the condemnation of the innocent.
  4. Those people who dwell in luxurious palaces are usually reckless and brash. Despite all the reasons in his favour, Yusuf was still convicted and sent to prison.


‣ The magnitude of gossiping

‣ Yusuf (u) was known for being a slave.

‣ Rumor spreads faster than a wild fire.

‣ The wife of Al-Aziz was known for being a rich, famous, and a powerful woman.

‣ The wife of Al-Aziz was determined to get what she wanted.

‣ Half of the world’s beauty was given to Yusuf.

‣ Angles are beautiful.

‣ You are what your friends are.

‣ If a believer is given a choice to choose between sabr at the time of hardship and

committing a sin he/she should choose sabr (patience).

‣ 3 types of patience

  1. Patience in obedience of Allah (doing good deeds)

• Prophet said “The best of deeds are that which is most consistent, even if it’s a

small amount.”

  • Abu Hurayra said “From my khalil (prophet), I never left these three deeds: 1.praying 3 rakas of witr,
  1. fasting 3 days a month,
  2. praying 2 rakas before fajr.”
  • Make goals to make a minimum of good deeds to be consistent 1)It’s the most beloved to Allah (consistency) 2)Patience in staying away from what is prohibited 3)Patience when calamity strikes

‣ Allah responds to the call of the distressed.

‣ Yusuf (u) was harmed for greater benefit.

‣ Yusuf (u) asked Allah to help him.

‣ Ibn Alqayyim said in his book Ighathit al-lahfaan, she did in spite of the following reasons:

  1. She was the wife of the Aziz and no one would dear to say anything about her, and when the women talked they did not mention her by name
  2. Her Husband was power full man in Egypt
  3. Yusuf was just a slave who had no place in the society
  4. She initiated it

‣ Ibn Alqayyim said in his book Ighathit al-lahfaan, she did in spite of the following reasons:

  1. Love blinded her
  2. He was far righteous than her
  3. They desired the act to continue in the future
  4. The act was considered sinful yet they were willing to do i
  5. She dressed him well for the rise of the occasion
  6. She asked him to show himself to them unexpectedly without any notice

‣ Ibn Tayyaimiya said the wisdom behind Yusuf choosing prison over what they were asking

to do is two:

• He choose prison over zina

• He asked Allah to strength his heart

‣ When we leave something for Allah, Allah will reward us better in this world and in the hereafter.

‣ We should choose the creator over the creation.

‣ We should choose everlasting joy over temporary enjoyment.

‣ We should flee to Allah at times of weakness.

Lesson ;
1) Allah “broke” Yusuf by taking him out of comfortable circumstances and stretching him. Allah often has to “break” us before He (swt) can use us for greater purpose. Think how has Allah “broken” you? How did He (swt) “strengthen” you?

2)Yusuf’s life teaches us that disappointments are vital to spiritual growth because they demand faith and resting all hope upon Allah. Delay never prevents Allah’s purposes; it only polishes the person. How is Allah (swt) “polishing” you?

3)Allah is in control even when it seems that your world is spinning madly out of control. Is there something going on in your life today that is hard for you to understand? Take it to Allah and trust His plans.

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Surah Yusuf #34

“So his Lord answered him and He turned away from him their guile; verily He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.”


According to the Divine promise, Allah always accepts the supplications of the pious. Those sincere fighters for a holy cause (whether it be against one’s self, or an outward enemy) and those who assist others in goodness will always get a Divine response to their requests.

Yusuf was not left alone in such a dangerous situation. Allah answered his prayer. Indeed, as the Qur’an says, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.

The verse says:

“So his Lord answered him and He turned away from him their guile; verily He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.”

He hears the prayers and supplications of His subjects. He is completely aware of their inmost secrets, and He knows the solution to all their problems.

Some commentators reject that while Yusuf knew that Allah would protect him and return away their snare, why did he pray? The answer is that the prayer of Yusuf to Allah was that he could overcome their hearts so that they would dispense with their guile, and Allah answered him either.

As a result of his supplication, the women lost all hope in achieving their objectives and all the tricks that were within their means proved to be of no benefit to them, so, in despair, they stopped chasing him. It was then that Yusuf felt tranquility.

Zulaykha, after seeing the hopelessness of her attempts, was ready to send him to prison.

High light ;

Here Allah (swt) tells us that He (swt) responded to this call of Yusuf. Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him (AS) the determination and the willpower to resist them. So it was not simply that Allah (swt) made these women stop desiring him (AS) and stop planning to get him (AS). No, rather they still desired him and they still tried to get him to do evil. But Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him the determination and the willpower to resist them. This was how Allah (swt) answered his prayer.

Allah (swt) tells us here that He (swt) is the Hearing and the knowing. This means that Allah (swt) Hears everything and that He (swt) Knows everything. In regards to this ayah Allah (swt) Hears the evil words that the women spoke and He (swt) Knows the evil that was in their hearts.

He (swt) Knows how they falsely accused Yusuf (AS) of evil because they secretly desired him (AS). He (swt) Hears the unfounded accusations that they spoke against him (AS) even when they knew that he (AS) was innocent. Allah (swt) also Hears the good that Yusuf (AS) said. How he (AS) refused their invitation even though they invited him again and again. Allah (swt) Knows how difficult this was for Yusuf (AS). Allah (swt) Knows the feelings and the desire that he had. At the same time, Allah (swt) also Knows the sincerity and the love that he had in his heart for Him (swt).


‣ So Allah answered his call

‣ Shaytan is of two types

• Jinn

• Mankind

  • All those who call to disobedience of Allah are shayateen al ins

‣ Allah is the only one who can help you against the temptations of shayateen al jinn and

shayateen al mankind

‣ If you want Allah to help you out in times of difficulties, you have to be in obedience of

him during times of ease

• The faster you are in responding to His call, the faster he is in responding to your call

• You will only be able to cross the serat with the deeds

The speed by which you cross it is dependent on the speed by which you respond to Allah

  • You will also have light (it differs between people)
  • Al amana and relations will be on your side for the serat
  • So, they can help you stay on the serat if you’re wavering
  • Some will cross the serat like lightening, some like on a horse, and then some

crawling, and some will be like a stoplight (have to stop as their light flickers on

and off)

  • Those who prepare for prayer before time cross very quickly
  • Some people are in the disobedience to Allah, but they can’t stop it
  • Faster you are in that response=faster to cross the serat
  • Allah turned away their plots from him


1)Allah teaches us the Ultimate method of eliminating sin from our lives, and that is by avoiding the opportunity to commit sin itself. The Prophet here is willingly asking to be sent to prison, instead of being in a position where he may be inclined to sin.
2)Knowledge and intelligence leads one who possesses it to do good acts and prevents him from evil. Ignorance on the other hand, calls the one who is ignorant to conform to his desires, even if it is harmful to him.

3)Whenever Allah (swt) answers the prayer of those, who call out to Him (swt). It is always favor and bounty. This is something that we must remember as well whenever Allah (swt) answers our prayer. We must never think that Allah (swt) answering our dua is Him (swt) fulfilling a right that we have over Him (swt). Rather we must always remember that the answering of prayers is only a gift and bounty that our Lord has given us for which we have done absolutely nothing to deserve.

4) Immoral people will do anything to fulfill their desires, and such immorality will be supported by the wicked that are present. Yusuf was being bothered by just one woman at the beginning, and then later on her husband didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the women didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the leaders didn’t assist Yusuf. When all these people didn’t assist Yusuf, they were, in fact, assisting the ‘Aziz’s wife and hence supporting immorality. Doing wrong is human and having to repent to Allah is necessary but they didn’t repent.

5)Be open to receiving guidance. Pay attention and be aware. Notice any repetitive messages that you may encounter after making dua. This is Allah’s guidance.
Notice it. Be open to it. Do not discount it. And follow it through. During your hard times do not discount something just because it is not what you expect. Sometimes the greatest blessings, the most amazing gifts, come in the most unusual packages.
Also, understand that Allah’s helps comes in different ways. Allah will not come down from the heaven to help you get out of the situation. He will either send people to help you or create the situation for you to get out of your problem.Sent from my iPad