“He said: ‘My Lord! The prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me; and if You turn not their guile from me, I may incline towards them and become of the ignorant ones’.”
Interestingly, some commentators have narrated an astonishing subject and have said that some of the Egyptian women in the gathering supported the wife of the ‘Aziz and, giving right to her, defended her behavior.
They surrounded Yusuf and every one of them tried in her own way to persuade him to submit to the desires of the wife of ‘Aziz or to her own, in other words, they all had the same intentions as Zulaykha had.
It is in the face of this overwhelming temptation that Yusuf cries out to his Lord that he would welcome a life prison than the corruption to which those women were inviting him.
In a tradition attributed to Abu Hamzah al Thumali, it is narrated that Imam Ali-ibn-il-Hussein (as) said that as soon as those women had parted company with Zulaykha, each one of them sent someone in private to Yusuf and requested an audience with him.
Yusuf had been surrounded by a series of difficulties from all sides. However, being already prepared for any mishap that might befall, he turned to Allah immediately without entering into any relationship with these passionate, promiscuous women and sought His help.
The verse says:
“He said: ‘My Lord! The prison is dearer to me than that to which they invite me;…”
He was in the prime of his youth, and naturally, the lower aspect of his soul could have inclined towards them and he would have found himself among the ignorant.
But, since he knew that in all cases, especially at the time of crises, there is no way to safety except relying on Allah, he trusted in Allah and asked Him help by saying:
“…and if You turn not their guile from me, I may incline towards them and become of the ignorant ones’.”
Points to Remember:
1. Men of Allah prefer all the difficulties that come with a life of honor to a sinful life of luxury.
2. By seeking assistance from the Almighty, man can distance himself from any kind of sin and temptation under any kind of circumstance.
3. Hardship and suffering cannot provide man with the justification to commit sin.
4. Man’s character depends on his soul and not on his body. If man’s soul is free and he is in prison, it can be like a paradise for him. And if his soul is under pressure, even a palace may become a prison for him.
5. To please people at the expense of displeasing Allah is manifest ignorance.
6. But the men of Allah, who are enlightened by the light of faith, easily pass through all these trials showing their steadfastness and irreconcilability with evil. They go as far as courting their death, for victory is the ultimate aim.
Authentic Tauheed :
His response >> 12:33
Yusuf made the point : adultery is NOT an option [he would rather go to prison]
–zina is for people who are jahil– therefore Yusuf would rather go to prison and sleep rough and eat badly
–than go through all the hardship rather than to sleep with Zulaikha
Reflections :
Prophet Yusuf’s answer in face of this great test
‣ He chooses the prison or would prefer to be in this prison in this world than to be in prison surrounded by hellfire in the hereafter
‣ It’s more beloved to him to be in prison in this world than to be in prison in the hereafter
• What they’re calling him to is jahanem
• The temptations that call to to the disobedience of Allah are calling to the prison of
the hereafter
• Surely, if you didn’t turn me away from their plots
• He doesn’t say kaydaha (only wife of Aziz) but uses kaydahona (all the women)
• If you don’t divert me from their plot, I’m amongst the ignorant
1)This is the lesson which the great Yusuf, the infallible one, has taught us. It is he who says to Allah if their evil plots are not averted from him, he would tend to incline towards them, and he would be left alone in his plight and will be no more. It is holy Allah Who is the Protector, not one’s abilities, powers, or mere virtues.
This state of absolute dependence on Allah (s.w.t.) does not only provide man with a power and perseverance which is unlimited, but it also makes it possible for him to enjoy the hidden Divine favors as well, favors which are impossible to explain and can be only witnessed and accepted. Such people are they who are sheltered by Allah both in this world and the Hereafter.
2)Be careful when making du’a to Allah
Some scholars say that had Yusuf (a.s) asked Allah (swt) to only remove him from them, that he would not have been imprisoned. But he said prison is more beloved to me and Allah responded to his du’a.
3)We must be careful in how we phrase our du’a to Allah (swt) because Allah is always listening. The way we phrase our du’a has an impact.Sent from my iPad