Surah Yusuf #23

“And the woman, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him from his self and she closed the doors and said: ‘Come here’. He said ‘I seek refuge in Allah! Verily He is my Lord. He made good my abode. Verily the unjust do not prosper’.”


“The one in whose house he was living seduced him to herself.”

Rawadah means ‘to seduce / to entice’. The verb structure fa’ala means that she continued to do so. In other words, it was not just a one-time thing. It wasn’t just that she started one day and that was it. Rather, one can imagine that as Yusuf is growing older and increasing in his jamaal, handsomeness.

The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “Allah divided beauty into two halves. Half of beauty was given for all of mankind, and one half of it was given to Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam).” This is really mind boggling.

Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) was given beauty and he was tempted, and because of his iman, he rose up from the temptation. How many amongst us could strive to that level? Accept what Allah has made for you and know that Allah has a better plan and Allah loves you more than you love yourself.

Allah does not say ‘the wife of ‘Aziz seduced him.’ Allah says, “The one in whose house he was living” to emphasize how difficult it must have been. He could have said the wife of ‘Aziz, but He didn’t.

Allah said this is a man living in another woman’s house. Every single day he has to serve her. Every single day he has to do all of the chores and household affairs, and the man is going for work. She is alone in the house, and he is the main servant because the husband said to treat him special and don’t let him do the other stuff. This is the personal attendant of the wife.

Allah is driving the point home that this is not the average enticement. This is a man who is living in the house of a woman, and he doesn’t seduce her, but she, the owner of the house and the one who is in charge and the one who controls, seduces him.

The point being here that we can imagine – and Allah ‘azza wa jall does not go into details – that she begins with flirtation and insinuation and innuendos and she goes more and more. Yusuf is ignoring all of this and pretending nothing is happening. Finally, she has to make the first move and a clear-cut move that she is not just flirting but wants to do more than this.

“Wa ghallaqati’l-abwaab…”

There is a shaddah here to show that she did not just close the door but she locked it and double locked it. She has a plan now. The beauty of the Qur’an is that Allah does not go into details when there is no need. Just mention what needs to be mentioned and leave the rest. Why does Allah do this? We mentioned this last week: because mentioning these details is of no benefit and brings about feelings and imagination and scenarios that have no need to be mentioned. This is the Qur’anic methodology and the Sunnah methodology in contrast to modern pop culture, modern news, and magazines. You don’t tell people.

Allah clearly says in the Qur’an in many verses: “Why didn’t you hide this? Why didn’t you go to the people in charge? Why didn’t you go to those in authority instead of spreading it?” With regards to other rumors, Allah says, “When you heard it, why didn’t you close your mouth and be quiet? [regarding the rumors of Aisha] Why did you throw it from tongue to tongue?” Gossip, innuendo, slander – this is not the way of the believer, and we don’t talk about these things.

She locked all of the doors. The rest we can understand. She has been planning for days, and finally the opportunity presents itself. Perhaps her husband is going out on a longer trip, or perhaps she knows that now is the time when there are no other servants, so she starts locking all of the doors from the outer door to the inner door all the way to the door of her chamber. She must have arranged for him to come to present something or do something.

“Wa qaalat hayta lak.”

“Hayta lak” or in another qira’a “Hiyta lak.” Allah uses a word that is not very common. What it basically means is ‘come on, let’s do it.’ This is not a common word in the Arabic language, but Allah is using a word that perhaps gives the best indication of her vernacular. She is using a crude terminology that gives the message across.

This is not just any seduction. Rather, this is a rather difficult seduction. Why? First and foremost, Yusuf is not from the people from Egypt. He is from a far away place and a different culture and a different religion. What reputation does he have? Zero.

It is a different culture and a different religion. He is the only Muslim in the whole country. The people are used to fahishah. In this land, if you do it, then it is not that big of a deal, and it is not a crime that goes against humanity. He is all alone.

Secondly, he is a slave. Slaves as it is don’t have any honor – I am saying that society expects slaves to behave in a dishonorable manner. It was the culture.

Thirdly, she is not just any woman. She is a free person, and in the days of slavery, a free person thought himself better than a slave. They feel slaves to be beneath them. A slave would never think of seducing a free person. It would get him into extra trouble. There is this category difference, but it is not the slave who is seducing. It is the free person seducing the slave.

To add to this, it is not just any free person, but it is his own mistress and owner. It is not a stranger and not someone who has no relation to him. It his own mistress, which means that she has power over him and is interacting with him on a daily basis. She has been flirting with him for months or perhaps even years. It is his own mistress, and it is in her own house. That is why Allah says, “The one whose house it was seduced him…” Powerful messages are being sent in the Qur’an here.

Lastly, as if this was not difficult enough, Yusuf has just reached manhood. We don’t know how old he was, but definitely he has just reached his young adulthood. We all know at that age it is the most difficult to control your desires and your shahawat. To add to that, the plotting and planning and the bolting of the doors. “Wa ghallaqati’l-abwaab.” All the doors have been shut.

This is why our Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said “Any time a man and a woman are in khalwah (a place where nobody can see them), then they are never alone and Shaytan is the third of them.” We are not supposed to be alone in a room with a woman who is not our relative because this is what leads to temptation. Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) has been for years serving this lady and becoming close to her as her slave. This has led to this lady being infatuated with Yusuf.

“And she said come. Qala ma‘aadha Allah.”

What he is saying is, ‘regardless of what I do or don’t do, Allah is always Supreme, and His refuge is always sought.’ He gives a statement of fact, and this is powerful because it is as if he is saying, ‘even if I cannot get to that level of actually seeking isti‘adhah, Allah is always ma‘aadhaAllah.’ In English, it is difficult to explain the balaghah. He is basically saying, “Allah is the One whose help is always sought, and Allah is always the One I turn to for protection.”

“He is my Rabb, and He has made my stay [or my livelihood or my life] so comfortable.”

Two possibilities have been advanced for the interpretation of the Qur’anic phrase: /’innahu rabbi ’ahsana mawaya/ (verily He is my Lord. He made good my abode).

  • A – It is the Almighty, my Lord, Who has honored my position and I seek refuge in Him.
  • B – The ‘Aziz is my lord who has honored me as his guest and he told you about me to give me a good abode, and I will not betray him.

Both possibilities have their own advocates which they support with their own documentations.

However, and Allah knows best. I do firmly believe in the other interpretation, which is that he is speaking about Allah. What clearly proves this point is the ending of the verse.

“Those who are evil will never be successful.”

This is a statement of fact regarding Allah and not regarding the husband. Those who are evil will never be successful. This is a statement that is talking about Allah’s Laws and not about the laws of the husband. Allah knows best, but it is clear that it is talking about Allah (subhanahu wata’ala).

“He said, ‘Refuge is sought in Allah. Allah is my Lord. He has been so kind to me.’” This means ‘How could I sin? How could I do this after all that Allah has done for me?

He has saved me from my brothers, and He has saved me from the well. He has taken me to this great land. He has made me live such a comfortable life.’

Remember his life was closer to that of a luxurious servant rather than a slave. He was living a very different type of life, and probably no other slave in the city had as much luxury. He was sleeping in the house and palace. He is saying, “After all that Allah has done, how could I possibly disobey him?”

“Verily, Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) will never cause the evil people to be successful.”

This shows us the instantaneous reaction of Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) that he turns to Allah (subhanahu wata’ala). This shows us what we should do when we are tempted with evil. We will never be able to overcome evil ourselves. It is not possible. We do not have that much strength in us to fight evil whether the evil is our passions or anger. We cannot fight it ourselves.


Brothers and sister it is not of the akhlaq of the believer to gossip even with his own family. It is not of the manners of the one who fears Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) to tell titillating tales and to talk about juicy gossip. It is not of the akhlaq of the believers.

Notice that this is a factual account and is not gossip or slander but Allah only mentions what you need to know

The first thing Yusuf does is: “I need to turn to Allah. I need Allah’s Help. Verily, my Lord is the One who will help me against this.” This is the methodology we need to follow. Allah says in the Qur’an, “Any time Shaytan gives you some evil thought, seek refuge in Allah. Verily Allah is the One who Hears and Knows all.”

The inclination that Yusuf would have had for the woman, but resisted it for Allah’s sake is what actually brings him closer to Allah. Because this type of inclination is from amongst the soul’s evil suggestion and it is something that happens naturally to most of mankind. However, the love and fear of Allah overpowered the call of fulfilling desires. Thus, he is from amongst those “who feared standing before his Lord, and restrained himself from impure evil desires, and lusts.” And also from amongst the “seven whom Allah will shade in His Shade on the Day when there is no shade except His Shade: a man who is called by a woman of beauty and position [for illegal intercourse], but be says: ‘I fear Allah.'”

The single largest reason for Muslims today turning into hypocrites and ‘western wanna-bes‘ is the ‘success factor’ which they associate with one being ‘not Muslim’. Allah categorically rejects that fallacy here when he says ‘Verily, the Zalimun (wrong and evil-doers) will never be successful’. So please stop acting like you are someone that you are obviously not. Not only does it not look good, but it is not going to get you anywhere in this life or the Hereafter.

We learned from this verse that whenever we are tempted to commit sin or called towards sin; we should remember all of the favors and bounties that Allah (swt) has bestowed upon us

If you protect your chastity and are pious in your youth, Allah will protect you in your old age.

A youth who grew up in the worship of Allah will be under the shade on the day of judgement . But a person must be sincere. It is true that the concern for aakhirah is something which can keep every human being protected from evil.

Surah Yusuf #22

“And when he reached his prime (maturity), We gave him wisdom and knowledge. And thus do We reward the doers of good.”


“And when we reached his ashudd…

  In the Arabic language, ashudd is not just a few years, but you are a full man anywhere from 18 to 40.    Some scholars say that Yusuf was 30 years old and some say 22.  We do not know the age, but no doubt he was a young boy when he was captured by the traders and is sold into slavery.  He spends probably a decade or less and reaches his adulthood in the house of ‘Aziz.

“…We gave him hukm and ‘ilm.”

 Allah is saying that when he reached his manhood He gave him power, but at this stage when he reached his younger manhood, He gave him hikmah.

Hukm has two meanings.  The first meaning is power.  At this stage, Yusuf does not have power.  We understand then that he shall reach power when he is still a young man, and this is exactly what happens.  The second meaning of hukm is hikmah, which means wisdom.  Allah is saying, “We gave him wisdom and ‘ilm.”  Allah combines both of these because one without the other is incomplete; put together, we have the perfection.

‘Ilm is knowledge.  Hikmah means you know how to act upon that knowledge because you can have knowledge but you do not know how to teach it properly or you do not know how to act upon or you do not know what to do with it.  Hikmah means that you have the knowledge and know how to act upon it.   Allah is saying, “We gave Yusuf hukm and ‘ilm.”  This means that Allah made him a prophet.  The perfection of Allah giving ‘ilmis not like my ‘ilm and your ‘ilm.  The perfection of Allah giving him ‘ilm is that He made him a prophet.

“And this is how We reward the muhsineen.”

Muhsin is the one who is excellent and the one who practice Ihsan.  The meaning of muhsin is the one who has reached the highest level of excellence in iman.

Think about this.  Allah is saying, “We gave him wisdom and knowledge, and this is how We reward those who are very righteous.”  What this means is when you strive to be righteous, Allah will bless you with wisdom and knowledge. 

 Have the taqwa of Allah, and Allah will give you more ‘ilm.  There are two types of knowledge.   There is book knowledge, which you need to study to obtain.  There is an inner knowledge that Allah blesses people with.  There is a knowledge of a deeper understanding that you will not find in books.  How do you get this knowledge?  By your piety and ikhlaas

 You cannot study interpretations of dreams from books.  This is a gift from Allah, and it only comes to those whom Allah ‘azza wa jall chooses.  “And this is how We reward those who have perfected the level of ihsaan.”

This finishes the first section and another section begins.  Allah ‘azza wa jall has mentioned that Yusuf has gone from the deserts of Filistine to the lands of Sinai and is now in Egypt.  

We now get to the story of the enticement.

Authentic Tauheed:

Allah tala didn’t give him knowledge and wisdom until he was mature 
–people might not have taken him seriously before 
–w/ maturity, you have gravitas (weightiness)
–knowledge w/o wisdom is a recipe for disaster

When Imam Shafi’i was in Baghdad, he passed a fatwa 
–when he was in Egypt, he passed a different fatwa
–he used wisdom in passing what was right for each area 

What is wisdom?

Say and do the right thing at the right time and in right place and in the right manner – Shaikh Faisal 


  • When he reached the age of maturity, Allah says “we gave him wisdom and knowledge.”
  • How do we have wisdom and knowledge?
  • You have to be a Mohsin 
    • What is a mohsin?
      • Someone who does good
  • Two aspects of ihsan
    • Ihsan between you and Allah
    • Ihsan between you and the creation of Allah 
  • Yusuf was given half of beauty


The benefit for us here is that if you want to be blessed with wisdom, then make sure you are of those who practice ihsaan.  If you want to be blessed with knowledge, then make sure that your righteousness and level of taqwa is high.  The more righteous you are and the more iman that you have, the more Allah ‘azza wa jall will give you back in return.

Allah has full Control over all affairs. He (swt) took Yusuf (AS) from that dark and lonely well and placed him (as) in this comfortable home. The destinies of people are in the complete control of Allah (swt), and He (swt) does what He (swt) pleases to whom He (swt) pleases. The brothers left Yusuf (as) alone in that well to die. If the Hand of Allah (swt) was not present in the affair of Yusuf (AS) then he would probably have died in that well. But everything is an affair of Allah and He has complete control and power over His (swt)’s affairs.

Surah Yusuf #21

“And he of Egypt who bought him said to his wife: ‘Receive him honorably, maybe he will profit us, or we shall adopt him as a son.’ Thus did We establish Yusuf in the land, and that We might teach him the interpretation of tales (dreams). And Allah is predominant over His affair; but most people do not know.”


“The one who purchased him from Egypt…”

Now we get to Egypt. Allah ‘azza wa jall indicates that from the land of Filistine they have now moved to Egypt. The caravan has taken Yusuf (‘alayi salaam) over the Sinai peninsula and into the land of Egypt.

“The one who purchased him from Egypt said to his wife, ‘Make his stay comfortable…’”

Mathwaa means ‘where a person rests.’ The man tells his wife to make his place of rest comfortable. In other words, treat him nicely and give him all that he needs.

“‘…Perhaps he will benefit us or we might even adopt him.’”

Allah later on calls this man ‘Aziz, which simply means the honorable man. Many scholars say that because Yusuf himself is called al-‘aziz later on in the story, this man was the minister of finance. We know that Yusuf becomes the minister of finance. Because the terms are the same, there is an indication that Yusuf eventually takes on the role of his master. This seems to make sense because the terms used are the same.

This man was at the rank of ‘Aziz, meaning noble minister and one level below the king. He is the one who purchases Yusuf, and he senses that this is not your regular slave or average person. He tells his wife to treat him honorably and not like the regular slaves of the house.

Why? “I have a feeling that this person may benefit us later on or we might even adopt him as a son.” Scholars say that this shows that they did not have a son, and they thought that maybe they could adopt this child.

Some of the scholars of the past such as Ibn Mas’ud said that three people showed depth of firasah (intuition / gut instinct). Three people excelled in firasah when they made their decisions. The first of them was this man ‘Aziz when he chose Yusuf. The second was the daughter of the shepherd . The third was Abu Bakr As-Siddiq . Ibn Mas’ud said three people perfected their firasah and before something happened, they showed that they knew that this was the right man for the job, and one of these three was the minister. “Be generous in his hospitality. He will benefit us or perhaps we will adopt him later on.”

“And this is how We established Yusuf in the land….”

How? By having a very rich patron (the minister) and by having the person whose job he would eventually take over find him in the marketplace. Allah ‘azza wa jall is saying, “This is how We took him from the depths of the well, and We put him in the mightiest palaces one level removed from the king.”

Notice that had he not entered this household, he would not have been so close to the king. When the situation gets bad and worse, the minister and his wife appeal to the king immediately. It is the king who then extracts Yusuf from the prison and talks to him directly. Had he not been in the house of the minister and had he been in some ordinary businessman’s house or had he been in a very rich man’s house but not a political figure, he would have been treated nicely, but he would not have been established in the land.

Allah is saying, “We gave him power in the land so that We may teach him the interpretation of events.” Notice that in three separate verses, Allah says mentions that ‘We will teach him the interpretation of dreams, and I am doing all of this in order to fulfill the dream that he himself saw that his brothers would prostrate to him’ and ‘I am doing this in order that he will interpret the other dreams, including the dream of the king.’

“And Allah has full power and control over all of his affairs but most of mankind do not know.”

SubhanAllah, Allah is saying, “I know what I am doing, and I am doing it with a plan. No one can outsmart Me. The brothers thought that they are doing a crime, but all of this was planned. Yusuf went from the deserts of Filistine and would have been a shepherd and the son of a shepherd even if he was a prophet, but what would he have done over there?

At that time, there was no Rome and no Greece, and this was the mighty empire: the empire of the ancient pharaohs and the ancient Egyptian kingdoms. Yusuf goes as a young child, and Allah ‘azza wa jalltransports him to the mightiest land at the time. Allah is saying, “I shall overcome all others, and My Command shall be done. No one can outsmart Me and no one can outwit Me but most of mankind do not know.”

Point to Note:

Yusuf spent a decade or more, and when he reached his adulthood in the house of the Minister, Allah made him a prophet.

Why was Yusuf (AS) endowed with Prophethood? What was it that he (AS) did that made him worthy of this special honor?

It was only because he was among those who had Ihsan. The Prophet (PBUH) has said that Ihsan is to worship and serve Allah (swt) as though you see Him (swt).

It is a state that you reach where you are aware of Allah (swt) for every moment of your existence. It is almost as if you can see Allah (swt) and even if you do not see Him (swt) then you are certain that He (swt) Sees you.

This was how Yusuf (AS) was and this is why Allah (swt) chose him (as) for Prophethood. Yusuf (AS) was not just someone who believed in Allah (swt) and not just someone who worshipped Allah (swt), but he (as) was someone who was conscious of Allah (swt) for every waking moment of his life.


This really shows us that if we had tawakkul in Allah and put our trust in Allah, then we would resign ourselves to His Decrees and Command. If we truly understand that nothing happens except if Allah wills and that not a leaf falls except that Allah has told it to fall and we put our tawakkul in Him, then we would not feel the agitation, worry, and grief. The problem is that we don’t have that tawakkul. We fall short in having this ‘ilm that Allah ‘azza wa jall has decreed everything. Everything is running in accordance with Allah’s Plans

  1. Allah works in mysterious ways to bring His blessings to those who stayed truthful to their faith in times of hardship. Who would have thought that a boy thrown in a well in the middle of the desert would survive, let alone become the finance minister of one of the greatest civilizations of mankind (don’t worry we’ll get to that part soon)? So the next time you worry about losing a job or a friend because of your faith, remember, ‘Allah has full power and control over His Affairs’ and trust Allah when He says ‘most of men know not’.
  2. And remind yourself that you are in fact reading the story of a boy thrown in a well left to be forgotten forever that took place over fifteen hundred years ago. Allah found a way to give even that boy hope, so never lose your hope in Allah.
  3. Allah teaches the Prophets so that they can teach others.
  4. Allah (swt) will confer gifts upon us, and He (swt) will grant us knowledge if we are among those whom He (swt) is pleased with. If you make a sincere effort to please Allah (swt) then there is no limit to the gifts and the bounties that He (swt) will confer upon you.

Surah Yusuf #20

“And they sold him for a small price, of a few dirhams counted out, and in him they had no interest.”


“And they sold him for a miserable price.” 

  They sold him for a price that was far less than what he was worthy of.  This has two meanings. 

 Firstly, Yusuf is invaluable, and no matter what price they had placed on him, it would not have been enough.  Allah ‘azza wa jall is saying here they have a treasure, and no matter what they sold him for, it would not have been worth what Yusuf is worth.  

Secondly, Allah is saying that what he would have gotten as a normal slave, they went far less than that anyway.  They sold him for a miserable loss.

Dirhams that you can count…”

To emphasize the point, Allah said, “Dirhams that you can count.”  The fact that you can count them shows that it is not a lot of dirhams.    If you have only a handful, then you can count them.

“And they were regarding him not very eager.”

They considered him to be insignificant.  They did not consider him to be a great prize.

This ayah tells us a number of things. 

 First and foremost, there is a human psychology that when you get something for free, you do not value it.  It is human nature that you trivialize what you get for free.

SubhanAllah the best example for this is our religion of Islam.  We were born Muslim, and we do not value it.  Those who convert to Islam have to search for it and find it.  They value it.

Allah ‘azza wa jall is saying they didn’t consider him to be very significant because he was stolen merchandise.  Also, Allah is saying that because Yusuf was stolen merchandise, they wanted to get him off of their chest as fast as possible.  These people are guilty because they have captured an innocent boy who doesn’t deserve to be captured.  They should have announced him in the marketplace and said, “We found a boy.  Is there any boy missing?” but they stole him and kidnapped him, and when they got to Egypt, they sold him for a miserable price, a very paltry sum.  

“They sold him.” 

We say that the strongest opinion seems to be that they sold him, meaning Yusuf, in Egypt to the minister ‘Aziz.  There is a fiqhi point to be made here:  Yusuf is stolen merchandise, which means that he is illegal and not a legitimate item.  How then can they sell the illegitimate item when they don’t own it?

The scholars say here that if somebody sells you an item and it appears that he owns the item, then your transaction with that man is valid.  

Scholars say, and this is the general fiqh rule, that if a transaction is made and later on it turns out the person who sold you the item didn’t own it, you are scot free, and you don’t have to defend yourself, and you will get your money back because you didn’t do anything wrong.  The one who did wrong was the one who cheated you and the one who did dhulm.


‣ The caravan was a mercy from Allah.

‣ The permissibility of announcing the good news.

‣ Thieves always want to get rid of the stolen goods.

‣ They insignificantly sold him for the lowest price.

‣ They treated the prophet of Allah as a commodity not as a dignified human.

‣ Shiraa (to buy) has two meanings in Arabic:

• To buy

• To sell

‣ The ruling of selling a free person as a slave.Lesson;

  1. There is no sin on a person that buys, sells, or uses anything that is considered as merchandise according to prevailing business practices. Nor is the one who is not aware how this merchandise was obtained guilty of any sin. For the brothers of Yusuf sold him, which was a haram, impermissible transaction, then he was found by a caravan of people who took him to Egypt and sold him there as a slave, and in spite of all this Allah referred to him as “merchandise.”

  2.   Whatever difficulty that you may be going through in your life at this moment, you have to realize that it is nothing compared to what this young child went through. If this young child can have patience with the Decree of Allah (swt) then so can you. So if you are a sincere believer in Allah (swt) and you try your best to please Him (swt) then realize that there is good in every calamity that befalls you. 
  3. So you should expect that at some moments of your life you will be pleased and other moments may be difficult. This life is nothing but being patient through the difficult moments and being thankful for the good ones. Patient and thankful only for Allah (swt).
 4.  Imagine how painful it must have been at age 7, not only to have been torn from his family and sold into slavery – but to have his family do it! How easy it would have been to become embittered and hate-filled like his brothers. But it didn’t happen to Yusuf. He didn’t mourn his disappointment but became useful where he was.

Surah Yusuf #19

“Then there came a caravan (of travelers). They sent their water-drawer (for water) and he let down his bucket. He said: ‘O’ good news! This is a youth.’ So they hid him as a merchandise; while Allah is aware of what they do.”

Surah Yusuf 19


“They sent their water man who put his bucket down.”

There was one person assigned for the water. “He put his bucket down.” This shows us, that Yusuf was put in a very primitive well and the fact that the man has to lower his own bucket really shows you how primitive it was.

Why does that benefit the story?

They are not going to a well that is inside the city or a well that is frequented. This is a well that is abandoned and not used by inhabitants. It is used by people who are going in the way. They have crafted a plan to put Yusuf in a well that is not in the city and is not close to where anybody lives.

The person comes and lowers his bucket, and Allah does not tell us the details, but it is understood that Yusuf held onto the bucket. When the bucket comes up and he thinks it is water, it is none other than a child.

“He said, ‘Good news for me! / What good luck! This is a boy.’”

It was self-evident that it was a boy.

Why was he so happy?

The man was so happy because one of the most precious and prized possessions is a slave. In those days slavery was allowed. One of the most expensive items and commodities is a slave. This is the past and talking about a time when people operated upon slavery. Slaves were very expensive. Only the elite and the rich could afford it. Alhumdhulilah slavery is now finished and abolished.

Our Shari‘ah made those types of rulings and issues where if you fall into a sin, you free a slave. If you break a fast during Ramadan, you free a slave. If you have a kaffarah, you free a slave. If you make a mistake, you free a slave. We are allowed to give zakah to free slaves.

“And they hid him.”

How did they hide him?

As merchandise. This means they took him out of the well and put him in their belongings and covered him up. They hid him as another piece of merchandise because they did not want to tell the local people that they found a boy. They did not know if this boy was from far away or near. He could have been from the closest village, and if he was, then people would come and say that they had a missing child. They wanted to take him and sell him.

“And Allah is fully aware of what they were doing.”

They knew what they were doing was wrong even in their culture and their shari‘ah. In their shari‘ah it was not allowed to capture a free man and sell him. In our Shari‘ah, the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “Of the people who will be punished the most on the Day of Judgment are those who did this.”

One of the biggest differences is that slavery in this part of the world was to go to Africa and literally throw nets onto free people and capture them and sell them in New England and other places.

In our Shari‘ah, you were not allowed to take free people. Rather, the only legitimate means of acquiring slaves was prisoners of war who were not ransomed by the other state. If there was a legitimate battle and there were prisoners.

In our religion, Allah gave the allowance that they can become slaves. This is the only way to acquire slaves in classical Islamic law.

They knew what they were doing was wrong. Why? They hid him. Only guilty people hide

We will conclude by saying that Allah is setting the story up, and a new phase is about to begin where he is leaving the land of Canaan and Filisteen because his brothers have plotted and planned against their father. He is being carried with sacks of other merchandise hidden.

We thank Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) – this is one point I want to mention – that the times that we live in are so different from those barbaric . It is a blessing from Allah that we live in times of civilized society in many respects. Of course there are a lot of problems, but look at the positives. Allah ‘azza wa jall tells us in the Qur’an that the two biggest blessings that he gives any society are full stomachs and to be in security [106:4].

I In those days, Yusuf was gone and there was nothing that could be done. There was no government or agency or police force or Interpol that would do this or that.

We thank Allah ‘azza wa jall for having caused us to be born and live in a society where generally speaking alhamdulillah we are provided for in terms of food and living in very safe and humane settlements.


Allah will always take care of his true servants. (Ayah 19)

When you are righteous, help comes from unlikely sources. Yusuf was taken out of the well by travelers. Allah is the protector of those who believe.

Sometimes the people who hurt us the most are from among our family, friends and our loved ones. Just like Yusuf AS, his biggest enemies were from his own family; he suffered most of his life because of them. They were his brothers, the sons of a Prophet yet they did such an evil act.

We learn from this story that just because our parents are very righteous or we come from a very religious family this doesn’t mean that we will automatically be religious and righteous. We all make our own choices, and our surroundings make a big difference. We are influenced by our surroundings but ultimately we will make the decisions that we want to make, and Allah will hold us accountable for our choices and actions. So choose wisely and act wisely.