(It happened) when they said, Yusuf and his brother are dearer to our father than we are, while we are a whole group. Surely, our father is in clear error.
A few points to consider when evaluating the cause of this situation: It could be that Prophet Yaqoub actually did express more love and affection for his youngest two sons. However, given that he was a Prophet of Allah, this is highly unlikely. First, he already had 8 older sons – so why would he feel especially inclined towards the youngest 2? Second, why would he display open affection for Yusuf and Bin Yamin, when he was well aware of his older sons’ nature? This knowledge of his is obvious when he replies to Yusuf about the latter’s dream of future success and high worldly status (including becoming a Prophet):
The sons of Prophet Yaqoub were in the habit of thinking negatively, and prone to envy. It is clearly observed among people that some may possess stronger emotions than others. For example, some people are more short-tempered – easily flying into a rage at trivial matters. Others are impatient; they cannot stand waiting for what they want; they desire immediate gratification. Still others are extremely emotional – they jump to conclusions about things and get depressed. It is highly likely that, having raised his older sons, Prophet Yaqoub had identified their envious nature.
Not only that, but as Yusuf flowered into a handsome, talented youth, Prophet Yaqoub recognized his imminent prospects of success: wisdom, knowledge, lofty manners, gracious conduct when dealing with others, and last but not least, physical beauty.
It is also probable that, even before hearing the account of Yusuf’s dream, he had a strong inkling that Yusuf would be chosen as a Prophet. His intuition was confirmed when his beautiful son confided his dream to him.
Therefore, we can conclude that it was not that Yusuf tried to outshine his older brothers. He just did, because he had been blessed with numerous positive qualities from his Creator. This was something that his father recognized very early on.
They were all his brothers, but by unanimous consensus, they are talking about his full brother. Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) only had one full brother from their mother, and the name of the full brother was Benyamin.
Benyamin and Yusuf were the ones who were from one mother, and they were younger than the other brothers. Benyamin was still a newborn baby and not talking at this stage. Most scholars say that Yusuf was 7 to 10 years old – in other words, a young child.
“When they said, ‘Yusuf and his brother indeed, without any denial or doubt about this, are more beloved to our father than all of us, and we are usbah…”
Usbah here means a gang or a group. The meaning of a gang or a group is not a negative gang but: ‘we are large in number and they are just two.’ The brothers were 10 and Yusuf and Benyamin were two. Not only that, but they were saying,
“We are older than them, and we are more useful to our father and take care of his needs and irrigate and take out the sheep. What can Yusuf do? What can his baby brother do? What is the problem with our father? We are the majority, older, and stronger, so how can he love Yusuf and his brother more than us?”
“‘…Surely our father has made a grievous, clear error.’”
“…Inna abaanaa lafi ddalaalin mubeen.” Once again, inna and la add emphasis. “Surely – there is no doubt – our father has made a plain mistake, a grievous, clear error.” Remember that Ya‘qub is a prophet, and to consider a prophet to be dhalal is a type of kufr, but the sons were not saying that their father was dhalal in righteousness and Islam but were saying that their father was misguided in something of this world. Had they considered their father to be misguided overall, then they would not be Muslim anymore.
- f the children feel that they are discriminated against, their envy will be aroused.
- Discrimination among one’s children will decrease their love towards their parents
- The exercise of power does not engender love.
- Envy crossed the frontiers of fatherhood and prophecy hence the brothers attributed deviation and injustice to their father who was, at the same time, their prophet. The verse says: “…Verily, our father is in manifest error’.”
- To be loved is an inherent need of man. Lack of love and affection of others is one of the greatest sufferings of man.
Parents do know what’s right and what’s wrong for their kid, we should not disrespect their decision. As we keep reading this story we will understand how costly it can be not to listen to our father. And parents, there is a message for you too here: Don’t treat your children differently on the basis of gender or age, you will see the potential consequences of that in the next Verse.
Love your siblings.
–find safety in numbers –in UK, some cities resemble cites from other countries –so there’s safety in numbers there
Jealousness crooks your thinking
Do you see the effects of Jealousy? They knew that their father was a Prophet but they still said that he was in plain error. They made a plan to kill their brother.
The small issue of the love of their father to Yusuf became very big in their eyes and the big issue of killing a human soul became very small and insignificant. It is all because of jealousy.
Their father loved them all since they were all his children but just because he loved Yusuf a bit more, they saw that as a great thing and big deal.