Surah Yusuf #96

“Then, when the bearer of the good news came, he cast it (the shirt) on his (Jacob’s) face and (forthwith) he regained his sight. He said: ‘Did I not tell you I know from Allah what you do not know?’”

After a number of difficult nights and days, one day Ya‘qub heard a loud voice proclaiming that the caravan of Kan‘an had just arrived from Egypt. Unlike the previous occasion, the brothers arrived in joyous spirits and went straight to their father’s house.

When the bearer of glad tidings came

Many scholars say Allāh calls him bashīr here, and he was the same one who came with the bloody shirt in the beginning.

Once again, Allāh mentions the good and ignores or neglects the bad.

As we said, this is a standard motif.

When the praise is due, Allāh mentions specifically, but when there is criticism, Allāh tries to cover it up unless there is a need to mention it.

Here Allāh praises him, and most of the scholars say he was the same one.

He insisted and said, “Since I am the one who caused the harm, I am now going to bring the shirt back.”

Allāh calls him the bearer of good tidings and the one who came with the good news.

“…he threw the shirt into his face, and he regained his eyesight.

He said, ‘Didn’t I tell you after all these years that Yūsuf is alive?

I told you go find him.  I told you don’t lose hope in Allāh, but you kept on trying to deny this.

Didn’t I tell you that Allāh has told me that I know something that you don’t know?’”


Scholars said that same person who brought the shirt the first time brought it again to nullify his sins

‣ Bashira isn’t the name, it’s just a name for person who brings gladtidings

‣ That person tosses the shirt in Yacoob’s face, and then his sight returned

• Can we do that to our shirts? – No

• The remnants of prophets and messengers are blessed

‣ Yacoob with returned vision, he says “Didn’t I tell you that I did know from Allah that
which you didn’t know?”

• Scholars say that this means that the brothers didn’t know about the dream but still
plotted against him anyway

• Yacoob knew about the dream and the brothers didn’t know


1. Surah Yusuf is more than anything else a human story.

It is a story about how people can change.

It is a story about how this Deen can transform people.

We should remind ourselves at this point that the primary objective that we seek when we approach any ayah of the Quran is to find out how that ayah can guide us to Allah.

How that ayah can help us to be more cognizant of Him (swt).

In this ayah, Allah shows us how the brothers of Yusuf (AS) changed.

How they went from a people who were the worst of sinners to
being among the most repentant.

So far was the journey that they took back to Allah that some scholars even say that they became prophets.

So look now at this journey that the brothers took.

Then realize that no matter how far you have gone from your Lord, there is always a way back to Him (swt).

Surah Yusuf #95

“They said: ‘By Allah! you are in your ancient error’.”

Those with Ya‘qub, who normally were the spouses of his children, his grand sons and grand daughters, and other members of his extended family, 

had long since given up Yusuf for dead and thought this new assertion by Ya‘qub was nothing but his refusal to face reality.

In fact they probably thought he was having delusions when he said that he perceived the scent of Yusuf. That was why, addressing him, they seriously and rudely said he was in his old error.

The verse says:

“They said: ‘By Allah! you are in your ancient error’.”

It becomes evident that ‘persisting in his old error’ does not mean error in belief. 

On the contrary, it means being in error in refusing to recognize what they perceived as the reality about Yusuf.

However these meanings show that they behaved unto that old great prophet very rudely and boldly. 

Once they remarked their father had been in a manifest aberration, and here they told him:

“…you are in your ancient error’.”

They were unaware of the intimacy and sincerity of the old man of Kan‘an, and regarded him as not being as enlightened and illuminated as them. 

They did not think that future events might be as clear to him as a reflection in a mirror.


  1. Jealousy is a disease which effects soul.

Surah Yusuf #94

“When the caravan departed [from Egypt] their father said, ‘I can smell the smell of Yūsuf, but only the fact that you will think that I am a senile old man I would tell you even more or I would walk out to meet him.'”

Finally, Allah’s grace became manifest. Beside them with joy, Ya‘qub’s sons took the shirt and headed for Kan‘an. 
When the caravan departed from Egypt, their father said that he perceived Yusuf’s smell while people around him would not believe him.

The verse says:

“When the caravan departed [from Egypt] their father said, ‘I can smell the smell of Yūsuf, but only the fact that you will think that I am a senile old man I would tell you even more or I would walk out to meet him.’”

Notice he smelled it when the caravan left Egypt. They are still a thousand miles away. 

When it leaves Egypt and he is in Canaan, he smelled the scent of Yūsuf. 

SubḥānAllāh, there is no doubt this is a miracle from Allāh ‘azza wa jall that He has given to Ya‘qūb; otherwise, it is not even humanly possible to smell the smell at that distance. 

Allāh has given him a miracle, an optimistic sign, and a hope that something is changing. 

He remembers the smell of his son Yūsuf. SubḥānAllāh, it has been forty or fifty years, and he remembers how Yūsuf smells. 

Look at the love that he had for his son. When he smelled that smell, he knew that this was the smell of Yūsuf.


‣ They go back to their father
‣ As soon as the caravan departs from Egypt (it’s over a week’s journey away), Yacoob says
“I smell the scent of Yusuf. If you don’t think I’m senile, I would’ve said more than that.” 

• Who’s at home? 

The grandchildren and the wives
• Some scholars have said he would’ve said “Yusuf is alive.”

Surah Yusuf #93

“Go with this shirt of mine and lay it on my father’s face, he will (again) be able to see; and bring me your family all together.”

This shirt has been mentioned in several occurrences of the story of Hadrat Yusuf.

A – At first the brothers had stained the shirt of Yusuf with fake blood and took it to his father, claiming that the wolf had eaten him.

B – A shirt was torn from the back and was instrumental in identifying the offender.

C – A shirt caused Ya‘qub to regain his eyesight.

Every time the shirt is a sign of life. 

The shirt is what gives hope to Ya‘qūb that his son is alive. 

When the brothers came to Ya‘qūb with the bloody shirt, he looked at it and said, 

“What a merciful wolf this is that it eats up my son but doesn’t scratch the shirt!” 

The shirt gave the plot away that the brothers had plotted something.

In the seduction story, the shirt saves Yūsuf, and it makes him innocent. 

Now the shirt once again is a sign that Yūsuf is alive and well and the brothers are coming back with the truth. 

Scholars say it was the sight of the bloody shirt that caused Ya‘qūb to go blind and now seeing the beautiful shirt that Yūsuf was wearing will bring the sight back to him because the cure and the disease are always opposites. 

It was the sight of the shirt that caused him to go blind, and it will be the shirt, by the blessings of Allāh, that will bring his eyesight back to him.

Look here at how much is the Ihsan of Yusuf (AS) towards his brothers. 

Not only has he completely forgiven them for all of the wrong that they have done to him. 

Not only has he even prayed to Allah to forgive them. 

Not only has he given them a means by which the vision of their father can be restored. 

But he even allows them to bring all of their families to Egypt. 

You cannot even begin to realize how great and magnificent was this bounty that he bestowed on them. 

At that time Egypt was the land of wealth and prosperity. 

It was the only land in which there was sufficient food and provisions for the people. 

It was the only land in which death and pestilence was not widespread. 

So Yusuf (AS) does a great favor to his brothers by not allowing them to come to Egypt, but also by allowing them to bring all their families as well.


1) Allah is drawing our attention to the shirt of Yusuf. 

This tells us that our wearing of garments is also an important part of our worship and servitude of Allah. 

As Muslims, we must remember to dress modestly and we must cover all that Allah has ordered to be covered. 

2) We should never keep our trust in medicines or ruqyahs to cure us of our illnesses, 

Allah cured us and He sometimes does it through medicines that we take. 
There is no might nor power except in Allah (swt).

3) In the story of Yusuf, his shirt was of great importance. 

His shirt proved to his father that his brothers were lying. 

His shirt proved that the Minister’s wife was lying. 

His shirt was used to cure his father’s blindness. 

Shirts were a proof throughout Yusuf’s life. 

Do you realize that you also have many things that assist you like the Yusuf’s shirts assisted him? 

Allah has given you a gut instinct that guides you. 

Maybe Allah shows you true dreams, and He guides you through them. 

Maybe Allah has blessed you with a friend or a parent or sibling who helps you and guides you. 

So think what is prominent and important in your life that you normally get the guidance from.

4)One must take care of one’s family, in Yusuf’s case, he had to look after his family in order for them to come toEgypt

5) Migration and changing one’s residence have many effects, one of which is that it removes sad and bitter memories.

Thank you every one for being patience with me . 

In Yusuf story, there was so much hatred in the hearts of Yusuf’s brothers and so much of pain in Yusuf’s heart but what happened in the end? 

All is forgotten and forgiven. 

Turn to Allah and make dua to Allah 

Surah Yusuf #92

He said: ‘There is no reproach
against you this day. Allah may forgive you; and He is the most Merciful of the merciful (ones)’.”

He said, “There shall be no blame on you today.”

He doesn’t even say, “I will not blame you.”  He makes it third person and neutral and removes himself from the picture.  Saying “I will not blame you” would make them feel extra guilty.  He makes it generic and says, “There shall be no blame on you.”  This is completely neutral.

Yūsuf is saying, “Today there shall be no blame on you.  Allāh will forgive you.”

How can Yūsuf say, “Allāh will forgive you”?
What right does Yūsuf have to say this?
The wrong was done to Yūsuf, when he forgives, then they are forgiven because the ẓulm or injustice was done to Yūsuf.

As we know in our religion, when you commit a crime against a human being – when you steal someone’s money, dishonor them, backbite – then forgiveness is in the hands upon whom ẓulm (injustice) has been done, and until he forgives you, you will not be forgiven.

Allāh’s Forgiveness is easier than the forgiveness of this person because Allāh is Merciful and Al- Raḥīm.

When Yūsuf has forgiven them and they have repented, he can be certain that Allāh will forgive them because he has forgiven them.

The second interpretation is: “I hope inshā’Allāh that Allāh will forgive you.”  There is a missing phrase and the meaning is:  “I’m optimistic that Allāh will forgive you.”  Both of these interpretations are valid, and there is no contradiction in them.

And He is the Most Merciful of all those who show mercy.”

Remember that Sūrah Yūsuf was revealed when our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) was undergoing the most difficult period of his life:

the year of sorrow.

It was the year when Abu Ṭālib died, Khadījah died, and the incident of Ṭā’if took place.

Allāh revealed to him Sūrah Yūsuf in order to make him optimistic and  encouraged him.

When he stood on the Ka‘bah and called the people around and asked them, “What do you think I will do to you today after all that you have done to me and after persecuting and killing so many of my followers and after expelling me and my people from this land?”

They are all begging and pleading for mercy and saying, “You are our noble brother and son of our noble brother.  You are our relative.”

The people are now around him.  He cannot help but remember the exact same sūrah because of which Allāh revealed this sūrah.  He recited this very verse to them.  “There shall be no blame on you today.  Allāh will forgive you.  And He is the Most Forgiving and the Most Merciful.”

By this, Yūsuf (‘alayhi’l-salām) once again is showing his perfection by not mentioning any crime by name and by not saying,

“I am not going to blame you anymore.”  When we forgive somebody, we say, “I forgive you.”

What did Yūsuf say?  He didn’t even mention the ‘I’ because in this there is ego.  He said, “There shall be no blame on you.  Allāh will forgive you.  He is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful.”


  • Asking questions is one of the best ways of teaching.
  • Wrong doing should not be corrected with another wrong doing.
  • Taqwa and Sabr is the recipe to success.
  • Allah will never waste the efforts of the righteous.
  • Admitting a mistake is more dignified than defending it.
  • Yusuf (u) pardoned and forgave his brothers so pardon people whenever you can.
  • Always give the credit where the credit is due.
  • Those who are righteous and patient will prosper.
  • A Muslim is concerned about the feelings of his brothers.
  • Comforting those who fear harm.
  • Make dua for those who did you wrong.

Authentic Tauheed

— in other words he had forgiven them for what they did to him :

— Yusuf forgave his brothers so that Allah will forgive them

— if a person wrongs you . Allah will never forgive them

— unless you forgive them yourself

— they will have to give you all your good deeds,

— if they don’t have any good deeds to give you then

— they will take your evil deeds upon their scales


  1. Tolerance is an important instrument of administration.
  2. One must learn from Yusuf’s humanity and generosity for he not only overlooked his own right but he also went out of his way to secure Allah’s pardon for his brothers.
  3. Men of Allah are in the habit of pardoning once they are at the climax of their power and glory.
  4. Allah’s pardon can also extend to include those who had for years been giving trouble to two of His prophets, Yusuf and Ya‘qub.
  5. Once the servant of Allah forgives what can one expect Allah to do? He is the Most Forgiving of all!
  6. To forgive those who are ashamed is the very habit of the Divine Being.
  7. To attribute Allah as the Most Forgiving and as the Most Merciful of the merciful ones is the ritual for the process of prayer and repentance.


1) Forgive and show mercy to those who offend you:

He said: “No reproach on you this day, may Allah forgive you, and He is the Most Merciful of those who show mercy”. —

2).  Do not be jealous .

So Yusuf (AS) forgave his brothers after how many years?

He was 7 when they threw him in the well.

He grew up in the house of the Minister until he was a young man in early twenties.

He then spends almost 10 years in prison. So how old was he when he finally became the Minister?

He was probably around 33 years old. And then another 7 years he spends as being the minister until the drought started.

He had not seen his family, his beloved father, mother and younger brother for almost 40 years.

It’s a very long time of suffering just because of jealousy. Can you see how our jealousy can literally destroy other people’s lives?

3) The hardest time to forgive someone is when he/she doesn’t apologize.

You want to let it go, but it’s like they still don’t see the wrong in what they did.

In such situations sometimes you have to wait until they are sorry for their actions and then you forgive.

Prophet Yusuf forgave them when he was in the position to take revenge.

He forgave them when he could have settled the scores by depriving them of grains.

So in some situations, if a person is not feeling guilty about his wrongdoing then if you can, create a situation to help them understand about their wrong doing.

Sometimes you have to wait for Allah to create such a situation – a situation where Allah may give you full control to take revenge, but then you choose forgiveness instead of revenge.

This is what Prophet Yusuf did. With all his power as a leader, he was in a position to take a revenge .

But he chose the sweetness of forgiveness instead. And this is the most important lesson that we can learn from the story of Yusuf AS.

4) What is important in the eyes of Allah is the state that you die in. So it is never too late to turn over a new leaf.

It is never too late to give up our bad habits and start a lifestyle that is pleasing to Allah.

At the beginning of the story the brothers of Yusuf were in one state and ended in another, and that is what is important.

5) We must trust Allah with our emotions when we are face to face with those who have hurt us deeply.

6) Allah uses even the negative motives of others to bring about His perfect purpose.