Surah Yusuf #34

“So his Lord answered him and He turned away from him their guile; verily He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.”


According to the Divine promise, Allah always accepts the supplications of the pious. Those sincere fighters for a holy cause (whether it be against one’s self, or an outward enemy) and those who assist others in goodness will always get a Divine response to their requests.

Yusuf was not left alone in such a dangerous situation. Allah answered his prayer. Indeed, as the Qur’an says, Allah is the Hearer, the Knower.

The verse says:

“So his Lord answered him and He turned away from him their guile; verily He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.”

He hears the prayers and supplications of His subjects. He is completely aware of their inmost secrets, and He knows the solution to all their problems.

Some commentators reject that while Yusuf knew that Allah would protect him and return away their snare, why did he pray? The answer is that the prayer of Yusuf to Allah was that he could overcome their hearts so that they would dispense with their guile, and Allah answered him either.

As a result of his supplication, the women lost all hope in achieving their objectives and all the tricks that were within their means proved to be of no benefit to them, so, in despair, they stopped chasing him. It was then that Yusuf felt tranquility.

Zulaykha, after seeing the hopelessness of her attempts, was ready to send him to prison.

High light ;

Here Allah (swt) tells us that He (swt) responded to this call of Yusuf. Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him (AS) the determination and the willpower to resist them. So it was not simply that Allah (swt) made these women stop desiring him (AS) and stop planning to get him (AS). No, rather they still desired him and they still tried to get him to do evil. But Allah (swt) saved Yusuf (AS) by giving him the determination and the willpower to resist them. This was how Allah (swt) answered his prayer.

Allah (swt) tells us here that He (swt) is the Hearing and the knowing. This means that Allah (swt) Hears everything and that He (swt) Knows everything. In regards to this ayah Allah (swt) Hears the evil words that the women spoke and He (swt) Knows the evil that was in their hearts.

He (swt) Knows how they falsely accused Yusuf (AS) of evil because they secretly desired him (AS). He (swt) Hears the unfounded accusations that they spoke against him (AS) even when they knew that he (AS) was innocent. Allah (swt) also Hears the good that Yusuf (AS) said. How he (AS) refused their invitation even though they invited him again and again. Allah (swt) Knows how difficult this was for Yusuf (AS). Allah (swt) Knows the feelings and the desire that he had. At the same time, Allah (swt) also Knows the sincerity and the love that he had in his heart for Him (swt).


‣ So Allah answered his call

‣ Shaytan is of two types

• Jinn

• Mankind

  • All those who call to disobedience of Allah are shayateen al ins

‣ Allah is the only one who can help you against the temptations of shayateen al jinn and

shayateen al mankind

‣ If you want Allah to help you out in times of difficulties, you have to be in obedience of

him during times of ease

• The faster you are in responding to His call, the faster he is in responding to your call

• You will only be able to cross the serat with the deeds

The speed by which you cross it is dependent on the speed by which you respond to Allah

  • You will also have light (it differs between people)
  • Al amana and relations will be on your side for the serat
  • So, they can help you stay on the serat if you’re wavering
  • Some will cross the serat like lightening, some like on a horse, and then some

crawling, and some will be like a stoplight (have to stop as their light flickers on

and off)

  • Those who prepare for prayer before time cross very quickly
  • Some people are in the disobedience to Allah, but they can’t stop it
  • Faster you are in that response=faster to cross the serat
  • Allah turned away their plots from him


1)Allah teaches us the Ultimate method of eliminating sin from our lives, and that is by avoiding the opportunity to commit sin itself. The Prophet here is willingly asking to be sent to prison, instead of being in a position where he may be inclined to sin.
2)Knowledge and intelligence leads one who possesses it to do good acts and prevents him from evil. Ignorance on the other hand, calls the one who is ignorant to conform to his desires, even if it is harmful to him.

3)Whenever Allah (swt) answers the prayer of those, who call out to Him (swt). It is always favor and bounty. This is something that we must remember as well whenever Allah (swt) answers our prayer. We must never think that Allah (swt) answering our dua is Him (swt) fulfilling a right that we have over Him (swt). Rather we must always remember that the answering of prayers is only a gift and bounty that our Lord has given us for which we have done absolutely nothing to deserve.

4) Immoral people will do anything to fulfill their desires, and such immorality will be supported by the wicked that are present. Yusuf was being bothered by just one woman at the beginning, and then later on her husband didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the women didn’t assist Yusuf. Then the leaders didn’t assist Yusuf. When all these people didn’t assist Yusuf, they were, in fact, assisting the ‘Aziz’s wife and hence supporting immorality. Doing wrong is human and having to repent to Allah is necessary but they didn’t repent.

5)Be open to receiving guidance. Pay attention and be aware. Notice any repetitive messages that you may encounter after making dua. This is Allah’s guidance.
Notice it. Be open to it. Do not discount it. And follow it through. During your hard times do not discount something just because it is not what you expect. Sometimes the greatest blessings, the most amazing gifts, come in the most unusual packages.
Also, understand that Allah’s helps comes in different ways. Allah will not come down from the heaven to help you get out of the situation. He will either send people to help you or create the situation for you to get out of your problem.Sent from my iPad