“And I have followed the way of my Fathers,
Surah Yusuf 38Ibrahim , Ishaq, andYaqub . It is not for us that we associate any partner with Allah. All of this is a part of the favor Allah has bestowed upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.”
The importance of priorities. For when he was asked by the two young men to interpret their dreams, there were other matters of importance that they were in greater need of knowing before their questions were to be answered.
This is a sign of a teacher possessing great intelligence, and the ability to correctly guide and teach, for when Yusuf was asked by the two young men about their dreams, he first called them to Allah before interpreting their dreams.
Since hereditary nobility plays an important role in the formation of the character of an individual, it also has a very important role when people are to accept.
Therefore, Yusuf introduces himself by presenting his illustrious lineage of forefathers, all of whom were Divine prophets, confirming, at the same time, his sanctified message. This is exactly the same method which the Prophet (S) used to employ in introducing himself.
“And I have followed the religion of my fathers, ’Ibrahim, Ishaq and Ya‘qub…”
Yusuf is not only a descendent by blood lineage, he is also an inheritor of a spiritual lineage as well, thus it does not behoove (to be worth while)him to associate anyone with Allah,
The verse says:
“…And it beseems us not to associate aught with Allah. That is of Allah’s favor upon us and upon mankind…”
Unfortunately, most people do not thank Allah for all these blessings and deviate from the Right Path. The verse says:
“…but most people do not give thanks.”
Incidentally, it is worthy to note that these verses show that despite the fact that Yusuf (as) used to live among those idol – worshippers, Allah, the Magnificent,
has nowhere mentioned that this respectable and worthy person ever called on the people to be monotheistic and worship the One God, except in this verse where he has extended the invitation to the two prisoners who were with him in prison.
It seems that he was not at all optimistic about the people of Egypt lending their ears to him, let alone accepting his message.
However, when he noticed that these two individuals took him as a righteous and decent man of good conduct, and they turned to him, a glimmer of hope and success appeared in his heart that they might probably listen to him and accept him.
As a result, he proceeded to call them to the worship of Allah and thus be converted to the faith of monotheism.(one God)
Affirmed another belief: belief in prophets and messengers
Their desires for example
- Islam is surrendering to the will of Allah
- Allah created us to worship him
- Worship is an
all encompassing word that means to do all that is pleasing to Allah whether it’s an action of heart, limbs, mouth, etc.
Anything that’s pleasing to Allah is considered worship
“I have not created the jinn and mankind except for worship.”
When you speak to people, speak with examples that they understand. Otherwise, it can cause a fitnah or a miscommunication
We learn from this sūrah is that actions precede words when it comes to calling people to Islam.
The fact of the matter is that we have not established our social credentials and have not shown them who we are. We haven’t explained to them about charity and taking care of the poor and the status of the orphan.
We haven’t demonstrated that we are morally responsible for the dispossessed. This is our religion. Look at Yūsuf and what he does in jail and throughout the entire story.
He always establishes his moral character, mercy, tenderness, iḥsān. What did the criminals say in the prison? We see you are a man of good deeds.
He hasn’t even opened his mouth to preach, but within a few days, the prison is abuzz that this is a good guy. Once that is established, then the opportunity presents itself and then Yūsuf starts preaching the message.
we learn from the story is that when we do call to Islam, we should call to tawḥīd and monotheism. This is the gist of our religion: la ilāha illa Allāh.
What really makes our religion so precious to us? The shahādah. la ilāha
It is a very simple religion. There is One, All-Perfect God and you continue to worship Him as long as you live.