“What ever you worship, other than Him, are nothing but names you have coined, you and your fathers. Allah has sent down no authority for them. Sovereignty belongs to none but Allah . He has ordained that you shall not worship any one but Him. This is the only right path . But most people do not Know.”
Here, Yusuf has been requested to interpret the dream. But he, before answering this
And by following the principal of Dawah and by acting wisely . He told them that their fathers and forefathers have taken some idols as theirs Lord.
As for them,they are no more that a lots of names which they have coined on their own. The have no personal attributes which could become deserving of assigning to them the least fund power – because all of them are inert.( having no ability to react)
This is something one can see with one’s own eyes. The only other method through they could have been taken as true objects of worship would be that Allah sends down specific injunctions or commandments to worship them
So, in that case , even if observation and reason had not been willing to accept their god hood but, because of the Divine command,we would have left our reservation and reason aside and would have obeyed the commons of Allah.
But this is not there either because Allah did not send down any argument or proof for their worship. Instead of that , what He said was but that law Sovereignty belong to Allah with no one have right in it, and the commands He gave was no other but that we should not worship any one or anything but Allah.
Finally he said; This is the only right path which was bestowed on my forefathers by Allah , but most of the people do not know this realty.
All that you worship besides Allah are nothing but names that you made up, and you have no proof, no authority for
• He’s telling them that it can be tracked back who started the worship of these different Gods
‣ Because when we worship Allah, we worship Allah the way He wants us to worship him not the way we want to worship Him
‣ If you’re paid a salary to do a job, you do the job the way the employer wants you do it
‣ Allah is rewarding us, so we have to do it the way He wants us to worship
‣ We need to have proof from the Quran and sunnah of how to worship
‣ When it comes to worldly things (dunya matters), everything is halal unless proven
otherwise. When it comes to worship matters, everything is haram unless proven
‣ When Allah created us, he sent us a manual from Him for us to live (Quran and sunnah
of prophet)
• It can’t be changed
• You can’t use a manual from someone who didn’t create you
• If you get a Samsung phone, and get a Sony Erickson manual, you can’t use that
manual because they didn’t manufacture the Samsung phone, and no one knows
better about the Samsung phone than that which manufacture it
• So Allah is our creator, and he knows what’s best for us, and he ordered for us to
worship no one but Him
• Isn’t it much easier to believe in Allah than to say all these crazy and improbable
events happened to make our life
Point to note
In verse 40 Yusuf AS summarizes the tenets of this religion.
First of all to believe that there is no one worthy of worship and servitude except Allah.
To make Him (swt) as the purpose of one’s existence. To not associate any partners with Him (swt) in this whatsoever.
To always show gratitude and thanks for Him (swt). To make Him (swt) as the Lord to be served by all of the creation and to know that this is a right that He (swt) has over us because He (swt) is the One and the Conqueror. This is Who Allah (swt) IS. This is the right that He (swt) has over us.
1)Give Dawah as much as every opportunity presents itself. If someone praises you for a skill you have, don’t forget to tell them that it is thanks to Allah and so on.
2)Call people to the true faith. Sometimes it is good to compare to explain something.
3)Everything is running in accordance with Allah’s Plans.
4) There are two ways Allah wants us to enjoy the best in life. First way is by giving us better things to enjoy and the second way by us learning to be content and thankful for what Allah already gave us.
It is not a matter of where you were born and where you live that makes you enjoy life more. It’s about HOW you live that makes a difference on whether you can enjoy your life or not.
Allah is AlHakeem and Allah is AlKhabeer. He is All Wise and All Aware. If Allah has put you in a certain situation it is because this is the BEST place for you to be at this time and at this hour of your life!
Allah only wants the best for you … whether you understand it or not. When you realize that Allah is not some kind of a policeman who is waiting for you to make a mistake so that He can punish you, and also when you realize that Allah wants you to know that He is willing to give you all His best whenever He believes you are ready for it, only then you can truly enjoy every bit of your life on earth.
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