“ So when they returned to their father, they said, “Father, the ( required measure ( of grain) has been withheld from us, therefore, send our brother with us , so that we may receive our full measure . And of course , we are his guards.”
SubhanAllah, this is melodrama at its peak.
They haven’t been denied.
They are coming back with ten loads of grain, but they are being melodramatic here.
You can imagine, they haven’t even unpacked the bags. They burst home and the first thing they say melodramatically is,
“We don’t have any grain! We weren’t allowed to get any grain! You have to give us our younger brother so that we can gain some more grain. certainly, we shall guard him.”
You have to give us our younger brother so that we can gain some more grain. And surely / certainly, we shall guard him.”
This is the same phrase they said of Yusuf: wa inna lahu lahaafidhoon. They had said the exact same phrase, and now they say it to Binyamin.
This clearly shows their eagerness and hastiness. They must have been talking along the way about how much grain they got for how little merchandise,
the generosity of Yusuf not knowing that he is Yusuf, and about how they can do this again and that he will be just as generous and that all he wants is their younger brother.
What is the way to get their father to agree?
They simply have this melodramatic emotional appeal.
“We don’t have any more grain, and we have been denied grain. You must send our younger brother!”
They must have told him the whole story that the minister is demanding that they bring their younger brother, and then they will be able to get their measure.
‣ They return to their father and inform him we’re not going to go anymore grains
• They do it right away before unpacking so that they make sure they get something
next time with Ben Yamin going with them
• So they tell him “send with us our brother with us, and ‘wa ina laho la hafizoon’”
– They said the same words about Yusuf as well
– These are the same words with Yusuf and he didn’t return •
This shows the great love of Ben Yamin as well
A believer is not fooled by the same trick twice.