“He said: ‘Shall I trust you with him save as I trusted you with his brother before? But Allah is the best guardian, and He is the Most Merciful of the merciful ones’.”
Tafseer ;
The father, who had never forgotten the memory of Yusuf (as), was overwhelmingly upset when he heard these words. Turning to them, he wanted to know whether he could have trusted them as he had trusted them before with Yusuf.
“__He said, ‘Should I trust you with him just like I trusted you with his brother before? Should I do the same now all over again?’”
The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “The mu’min is not stung from the same hole twice.”
This means is not stung from the same hole twice.”
This means Ya‘qub (‘alayhi salaam) is saying, “You have done this to me once before.
Do you think that I’m that foolish that I will let you take Binyamin as well?”
This shows that all of these years have gone by and he still has,
1) , not gotten over Yusuf
2) , he knows these sons of his have done something, and that is why he is still blaming them.
He doesn’t believe the story of the wolf.
Should I send you with him and trust you with him just I like I entrusted his brother with you? Forget this grain!
I don’t need this grain from this minister. Allah will take care of us.
Allah is the best protector. He will have mercy on our situation. He sees we need food, and He will provide for us.”
This shows us that tawakkul means – and we will come to this today and later on as well – that you strive to achieve the means.
You do what you need to in order to get to the goal, but it doesn’t mean that you act foolishly.
Here, Ya‘qub feels that if he gives Binyamin over that he is
acting foolishly, and so he says,
“I’m not going to do this again. Allah knows my situation that I don’t think that this is a wise course of action.
Allah is the best of all of those who protect.”
Of the Names of Allah is Al-Haafidh, and Al-Haafidh here means the One who Protects. He is saying, “Allah will protect us.
I am not worried about grain running short because I have my trust in Allah (subhanahu wata’ala), and He is the Most Merciful of all who have mercy.”
This shows us that it is a part and parcel of human nature to take people’s reputation into account.
The brothers have done damage, their reputation is smeared, and he is not going to let them do this again.
It is human nature that you judge a person by his character and by his reputation. They tried and tried to convince, but it didn’t work because they themselves have ruined their reputation.
1)Trust in Allah, and believe in him to guard us.
2)Believer is not fooled by the same trick twice.
He should be vigilant .Yaqoob AS was not going to send Binyameen because of what happened before but it was the generosity of Yusuf AS ( he returned the goods that softened his hearts
3) I Being kind and generous to people is a means of attracting them and winning their
hearts. Prophet Yoosuf’s brothers said to their father about the generosity of Yosuf, peace be upon him,
4)If we want protection and mercy, then we should remember that Allah (swt) is the Best of Guardians and He (swt) is the Most Merciful of those who have mercy.
People can have mercy. People can give protection. But what is their mercy and their protection when compared to Allah (swt)?
We should always remember that if Allah (swt) chooses to protect us, then there is no one who can harm us after that.
If Allah (swt) chooses to have Mercy on us, then we will not feel any pain after that.
The Mercy of Allah (swt) is the real Mercy. The protection from Allah (swt) is the real safety.