Surah Yusuf #65

. “And when they opened their baggage, they found their merchandise had been returned to them. They said: ‘O our father! What (more) can we desire? This is our merchandise (that) has been returned to us. We shall get provision for our family, and guard our brother. And we shall obtain an extra camel’s load. That is an easy measure’.”


The Arabic term /namiru/ is derived from the term /mir/ which means food supplies and the phrase /namiru ahlana/ means: ‘we provide our family with food’.

One can infer from the sentence “We shall obtain an extra camel’s load” that the share of each person had been limited to a camel load which would have been allocated to the person (Benjamin) only if he himself had been present.

Once the brothers unloaded their goods, they found that their capital had been returned to them, i.e., all of what they had paid the ‘Aziz, was found among their goods.

When they unpacked all of the bags…”

They were so hasty that they didn’t even unpacked all of the bags, and this shows us how hasty they were.  

The Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “Being hasty is from Shaytan.”  

It is Shaytan who acts impulsively.  It is Shaytan who does things at a quick pace.  

When one of the noblemen accepted Islam (Hakim ibn Hizam), the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) said, “You have in you two characteristics that Allah (subhanahu wata’ala) loves:  
forbearance and acting after you think / acting rationally.”  

Acting impulsively is from Shaytan, and acting with thought and with meditation is something Allah and His Messenger love.

Automatically, we are seeing the impulsiveness of the brothers of Yusuf and they come in and start screaming and being melodramatic and when all fails, they go and they open the bags.

“When they open their bags, they found their merchandise had been returned to them.”

All of their merchandise is there.  They know that this is not an accident.  

Yusuf’s people working for him have packed the bags, and there is no way they gave the money to Yusuf and now it ends up from Yusuf into their bags except that Yusuf wanted this to happen, so they know that this is all the design of the minister.

They said, ‘O our father, maa nabghi.’”

Maa nabghi here can have two meanings.  

It can mean “What more can we desire?  What more do you think we want?  Here is our merchandise.  

Do you think we are trying to trick you?”  The other meaning is:  “We don’t want any evil.  We don’t want anything other than our brother and getting this grain

One meaning can be “what else do you think we want?” 
and the other meaning is “we don’t want any evil.”  

There are two types of maa in the Arabic language, and both of them can be assumed over here.  The point is they are saying, “We have no other intention.  

We have no other desire except for this grain.  Our goods have been returned to us.  What do you think our agenda is?  What do you think we are planning?  

What story do you think we have concocted when what we have said is true that the minister is so generous and the minister is giving us so much and now he has returned our money.  

Where is the plot?  We don’t have anything.  We are completely clean.”

They say three things:

1.  “We are going to provide food for our families.  We need food.”

2.  .  “And we will protect our brother.”

3.  “And we will increase the weight of one camel.”

“That is so easy for us.”

Yusuf (‘alayhi salaam) in his wisdom refused to give anybody more than a camel could hold.  

This was the max that a person could take.  He would not give anybody more than a camel load.  

Even his own brothers did not get more than a camel.  They got a full camel but not more.  One person, one camel.  

They said, “Send the eleventh brother and we will have eleven camels.  Once we have eleven camels, how much food do we have for our families.  

And we will protect him.  There will be the eleventh camel as well that will bring food back.”

Lesson for us: 
*Father and Son*
Yusuf was respectful toward his father
The bond of father and child , being a great listener and
giving attention 
A good role model father/parents. does not mean that kids are the most  successful  in life.
Nooh AS not a bad father.
Lut AS was not a bad husband .
Shaitan is the culprit in persuading the brothers

Let’s Discuss 
How can we  practically save our selves from our_Nafs_?

There is no ONE solution 
The Heart needs Cleansing everyday


l It is recommended for a person to take a pledge from another with whom he is
about to deal if he thinks that there is a risk in trusting him, and that is why
Prophet Ya’qoob, peace be upon him, said to his sons when they requested that
he allow them to take their other brother to see Yoosuf, peace be upon him,