Surah Yusuf #79

“He said: ‘Allah forbid that we take (anyone) other than him with whom we found our property. Indeed (if we did so) we would certainly be of the unjust ones’.”

Surah Yusuf #79

Yusuf immediately turned down this proposal, implying that a just person will never punish an innocent man for an offence which had been committed by someone else. 

To do such a thing would make one an oppressor.


Ma‘adhallah means ‘the one in whose refuge is sought is Allah.’ He didn’t say a‘udhubillah, which is the verb and means ‘I am seeking refuge in Allah.’ 

He is saying “ma‘adhallah,” meaning ‘the one in whose refuge is sought is Allah.’ This is more powerful than saying a‘udhibillah. 

Just like we say subhanAllah – we don’t say usabihullah but say subhanAllah, meaning ‘the one who should be exalted is Allah.’ 

Regardless of whether I exalt Him or not, He is worthy of being exalted. When we praise Allah, we say subhanAllah, alhamdulillah. 
This is a fact. 

“He said, ‘The one in whose refuge is sought is Allah. We seek Allah’s refuge in taking anyone other than the one upon whom we found our belongings.’”

Notice that he was accused of stealing, but Yusuf cannot say ‘the one who stole’ because his brother didn’t steal, so he makes a much longer phrase: 

the one from whom our belongings was found amongst. 

Yusuf cannot say ‘the one who stole’ because that is a lie and his brother didn’t steal. 

Yusuf makes it much longer, but they are not going to catch on. 

This shows us that even in difficult times you cannot lie and are not allowed to lie. 

That is why the Prophet (sal Allahu alayhi wa sallam) never once in his life uttered a lie. 

This is a type of tawriyah here because what Yusuf said was understood by the brothers to mean stealing, but he didn’t say stealing. He said ‘the one who had the belongings.’


‣ Yusuf (u) honored his brother.
‣ To conceal the truth for greater benefit is permissible.
‣ Yusuf (u) applied Y’aqub (u) shari’a to hold his brother back.
‣ The ruling of Ju’alah.
‣ The ruling of collateral in Islam.
‣ If you want anything you must do the best that you can.
‣ The prohibition of using un-Islamic laws.
‣ The book of Allah must be implemented as Allah has intended. 
Using the Quran for innovation purposes is prohibited.

*Lesson from Today’s Verse *
4. Importance of Justice. 

The upholding of justice is an integral part of our religion just like prayers and fasting are. 

Here Yusuf (AS) says that if any but the one who stole the cup was taken as a slave then that would be the worst of injustices. 

This shows how important justice is to Allah. 

It shows how important it is that only the guilty are punished. 

People have become so heedless of Allah they seem only to care for themselves. 

They do not care if an innocent person is punished just as long they escape the punishment. 

They are not affected by all of the injustice that happens all around them. 

They forget that their Lord Sees all that they do and that He (swt) will take them to task for their failure to uphold justice.