Surah Yusuf #85

“They said: ‘By Allah! You will never cease to remember Yusuf until you are ill or (until) you are of the perished ones.”


As we said last time, tallahi, wallahi, wa billahi are all ways you can give an oath to Allah, and you use each one in a different context, which is a bit advanced.

This is clearly not the politest thing to say, and this shows that not all of the brothers have reached the level of the eldest,

so some of them in their frustration and exasperation say something not very polite, and it is in fact rude.

They say to him, “Are you never going to stop thinking of Yusuf?

You are going to go crazy thinking about him.”  Haradha means ‘to start blabbering / you are going to lose your head / you are going to become senile with old age.’

The stress of Yusuf will cause you to go mad, or you will perish in this grief.  It will cause you to die.”

They get a little bit irritated that “We are just telling you about Binyamin.  We are telling you about the eldest, and you are still going back to Yusuf.  When will you stop thinking about Yusuf?”

Again, this shows us how Allah ‘azza wa jall tested them with the exact opposite of what they intended.

They intended one think and in a way Allah punishes them by increasing the love of Yusuf, and he can never stop thinking about Yusuf.


‣ The brothers say they’re afraid he’s going to remember Yusuf until he grows old or until he passes away
‣ They use talahi=possibility


1. The ideal love is spiritual and the heavenly sighs of grief which are of valuable import. The thinking of the men of Allah is identical with the thinking of Allah Himself.

2. The issue of paternal love is different from ordinary kinds of love.

3. Spiritual and psychic problems leave their impact on the body, among which one can name the separation from a loved one which might cause a nervous break-down or even death


Your parent’s love is true love.