Surah Yusuf #91

“They said: ‘By Allah! Allah has indeed preferred you above us, and we certainly have been guilty’.”

Allah made them so exasperated that they had to beg in order to fill their stomachs and only after this were they ready to confess that their plans were in ruins and they could see the reality of their wrong thinking.

The verse says:

“They said: ‘By Allah! Allah has indeed preferred you above us, and we certainly have been guilty’.”

The brothers had sworn on several occasions employing the holy phrase /tallah/. 

When the cup was discovered they swore to Allah that they had not come to that land to commit theft or any other kind of corruption.

Swearing to Allah, they told their father that he was always repeating the name of Yusuf,5 and by doing so he showed his extreme love towards him being in his ancient error.

Now they swore Yusuf was superior to them.

Of course the brothers could not look Yusuf in the eyes because of their shame, and they were probably worried whether or not their crimes would be forgiven.


‣ They respond to him and say “surely you were favored over us by Allah, and we were wrong.”

‣ When Prophet came to meccah in 8th year, victorious, he had conquered mecca, he could do anything to people of mecca

• Rule is when you conquer a city, you can kill all the men or make them slaves, or you could forgive them and let them go

• Prophet was expelled and tortured from meccah. 

He had to escape because they were after him trying to murder him

• These were his own relatives who did this, and now they are under his mercy.

• He says “What do you think I’m going to do to you?”

– The people of mecca are trembling
– They say “You’re our brother, a son of a noble brother, a son of a noble brother,
and you’re of us.”

– They’re hoping he goes easy on them

– He says “There’s no blame on you today, go and you are free.” – That was the pinnacle of the prophet Mohamed

Authentic TauheeD

They said: “By Allâh! Indeed Allâh has preferred you above us, and we certainly have been sinners.” 

  • even though we dumped you in the bottom of the well
  • and left you with no shirt on your back
  • now the table has turned, we are at your mercy


  1. If you have faith, Allah will always be there
  2. When we bring Allah into our lives then Insha Allah will help to remove the animosity and the ill-feelings that we have. If we would only remember how Allah should be the purpose of our lives then we would see how nothing else matters except He (swt).
  3. This is the universal and timeless truth that all Muslims need to be so badly aware of, yet they are not- this truth is that Allah will always prefer the ‘Muhsinun’ to the evildoers. So don’t despair, and don’t be one of the many Muslims who stop practicing Islam because they think that Islam will make them unsuccessful in this life. 

As we are coming close to concluding the story, I hope you do realize that those who keep their faith in Allah will always succeed in the end.