Surah Yusuf #98

Soon I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord; He is the Forgiving, the Merciful.

The great old man, who possessed a magnanimous spirit and with immense generosity, refrained from blaming them; instead he promised them that he would soon ask forgiveness for them from Allah.

The verse says:

“He said: ‘Soon I will ask forgiveness for you from my Lord;…”

Why did he delay? 

Pretty much all of the scholars say that he delayed the du‘ā’ until the last third of the night in his tahajjud prayer. 

Ya‘qūb (‘alayhi’l-salām) wanted to delay the du‘ā’ to the most blessed time. He wanted to ask Allāh in the best state, which is sajdah, and at the holiest time, which is the last third of the night, and many scholars add that it was on the Friday as well, the holiest day of the week. 

We know that our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said that Allāh ‘azza wa jall descends down to the lowest heavens in the last third of the night in a ḥadīth in Bukhāri and Muslim. 

He descends down to the lowest heavens in the last third of the night and says, “Who amongst My servants is asking Me, so I shall give him what he wants. 

Making du‘ā’ in the last third of the night is the most blessed time to make du‘ā’. There is no time that is more blessed than this in our 24-hour cycle.


Status of parents in Islam has been given great importance . In this Surah, it is narrated that Yusuf AS always respected his parents. 

He never went against them and always loved them unconditionally. 

Despite acquiring a position in Egypt, he welcomed his parents with the utmost respect and love and made them sit on the throne.

And We have enjoyed on man to be dutiful and good to his Parents
(Luqman 14)


  1. One should supplicate during in which supplication are more like to be answered.
  2. Allah is the most forgiving, and there is no sin he won’t forgive, other than shirk. No matter how big the sin is, Allah will always be there to forgive it. Allah’s actions can never be questioned. 
  3. It is best to make of our prayers in private. When we make our prayers in private we built a special and personal relationship with our Allah . No one knows how close we are to Him except us. It is also a proof of our faith that we would make dua in private.
  4. We are calling out to Allah because we are certain that He (swt) is there, we are certain that He (swt) hears our prayers. 
  5. Accept the apology of your children no matter what wrong they have done to you. Make Dua for them