And they came with lying blood on his shirt. He said, “Rather, your inner desires have tempted you to do something. So, patience is best. It is Allah whose help is sought against what you describe.” Surah Yusuf 18 TAFSEER “And they brought forth his shirt with damin kadhib (a lying blood).”s There is very …
Tag Archives: Arabic
Surah Yusuf #15
So, when they went away with him and were determined to put him in the bottom of a pit, (they did accordingly). And we revealed to him (Yusuf), “You will (one day) remind them of this deed of theirs, and they will not recognize (you).” TAFSEER “So when they took him away…” Allah does not …
Surah Yusuf #2
“We have sent this Qur’an down as an Arabic Qur’an so that you may understand.” TAFSEER; A question that many Muslims ask is: ‘why does Allah refer to Himself in the plural?’ In fact, many non-Muslims ask this question. There are two primary interpretations of this. The first of them is that the ‘We’ is …