“Say (O’ Our Apostle): ‘This is my way. I invite to Allah with clear sight, I and whoever follows me; and glory be to Allah! And I am not (one) of the polytheists’.” The way of the Prophet of Islam (S) is clear and transparent to all those who want to seek guidance, and true …
Tag Archives: dream
Surah Yusuf #101
“O my Allah! You have given me to rule, and have taught me the interpretation of dreams. (O!) Originator of the heavens and the earth! You are my Protector in the world and the Hereafter. Cause me die a Muslim (in submission (unto you) and join me with the righteous.” When they witness their own …
Surah Yusuf #100
“And he raised both his parents upon the throne, and they fell down prostrating before him, and he said: ‘O’ my father! This is the interpretation of my dream of aforetime! My Lord has made it come true; and He was indeed kind to me when He brought me out of the prison, and He …
Surah Yusuf #96
“Then, when the bearer of the good news came, he cast it (the shirt) on his (Jacob’s) face and (forthwith) he regained his sight. He said: ‘Did I not tell you I know from Allah what you do not know?’” After a number of difficult nights and days, one day Ya‘qub heard a loud voice …
Surah Yusuf #86
“He said: ‘I only complain of my anguish and my grief to Allah, and I know from Allah that which you do not know’.” Ya‘qub declared that he used to relate his grief, his need, his life problems and his difficulties to Allah in the dark of night and in private time; “He said: ‘I …