Surah Yusuf #67

“He also said: ‘O’ my sons! Do not enter by one gate, but enter by separate gates. Yet I cannot avail you anything against Allah. Judgment belongs no one but Allah. In Him do I put my trust, and in Him let all that trust put their trust’.” *Tafseer:* After winning the approval of their …

Surah Yusuf #66

“He said: ‘ Never will I send him with you until you pledge a solemn covenant to me, in Allah’s name, that you will surely bring back to me, unless you are surrounded in (an evil accident).’ And when they had sworn their solemn pledge, he said: ‘ Allah is Guardian over what we say’. …

Surah Yusuf #61

They said, “We shall persuade his father about him and will certainly do it.” Tafseer They said, “We shall persuade his father…” Notice they said ‘his father’ and not ‘our father.’  You can sense the jealousy already, and they know how much Ya‘qub loves Binyamin.   They say, “We are going to try to convince his father …

Surah Yusuf #31

“So when she heard about their malicious talk, she sent for them and prepared a repast for them. Then she gave each one of them a knife, and said to him (Yusuf): ‘Come forth to them.’ When they saw him, they extolled him, and (in their amazement) cut their hands and said (exclaimed): ‘Allah Blameless! …

Surah Yusuf #15

So, when they went away with him and were determined to put him in the bottom of a pit, (they did accordingly). And we revealed to him (Yusuf), “You will (one day) remind them of this deed of theirs, and they will not recognize (you).” TAFSEER “So when they took him away…” Allah does not …