Surah Yusuf #107

“Do they feel secure that a ghāshiyah will not come to them from the punishment of Allāh?” What is ghāshiyah?  Ghāshiyah is that which covers up and that which envelops.  Every single punishment is called ghāshiyah because you are enveloped in it.  SubḥānAllāh we seek Allāh’s refuge from all of Allāh’s punishments.   Look at what is happening …

Surah Yusuf #23

“And the woman, in whose house he was, sought to seduce him from his self and she closed the doors and said: ‘Come here’. He said ‘I seek refuge in Allah! Verily He is my Lord. He made good my abode. Verily the unjust do not prosper’.” TAFSEER “The one in whose house he was …