“Till when the messengers despaired and they (disbelievers) thought they had been told a lie, Our help came to them and We delivered whom We pleased. But Our punishment will not be averted from the guilty people.” In this ayah, Allah reminds the Prophet (PBUH) and us as well how all of the prophets and messengers …
Tag Archives: lie
Yusuf Verse #103
“And most people will not believe, though you desire it.” Allāh is saying, “Even though it is so clear that this Qurʾān is from Allāh and even though it is so clear that you are getting waḥy, most of mankind will not believe despite the fact that you want them to believe.” This clearly shows …
Surah Yusuf #82
“And ask at the town in which we were and the caravan with which we travelled hither, and verily we are indeed truthful.” Tafseer In the next ayah, Allah radically shifts to a totally new scene. Now the setting is different, and the characters are different as well. Allah ended the previous ayah with the …
Surah Yusuf #79
“He said: ‘Allah forbid that we take (anyone) other than him with whom we found our property. Indeed (if we did so) we would certainly be of the unjust ones’.” Surah Yusuf #79 Yusuf immediately turned down this proposal, implying that a just person will never punish an innocent man for an offence which had …
Surah Yusuf #77
“They said: ‘If he steals, a brother of his had stolen before.’ But Yusuf kept it secret within his heart and did not reveal it to them. He said: ‘You are in a worse situation, and Allah knows best (the truth) of what you state’.” Surah Yusuf #77 TAFSEER “They said, ‘If he is stealing, …