“He said: ‘ Never will I send him with you until you pledge a solemn covenant to me, in Allah’s name, that you will surely bring back to me, unless you are surrounded in (an evil accident).’ And when they had sworn their solemn pledge, he said: ‘ Allah is Guardian over what we say’. …
Tag Archives: lie
Surah Yusuf #41
“O my fellow prisoners, one of you will serve wine to his master, while the other will be crucifer and birds will eat from his head. Destined is the matter you are asking about.” TAFSEER From here on, he begins interpreting the dreams of those two prisoners, but before this Yusuf had preached them Monotheism …
Surah Yusuf #30
The women of the city began speaking, ‘The wife of ‘Aziz is attempting to seduce her own slave. She has loved him a violent, passionate love. We see her to be in such manifest and clear error.’ Tafseer Despite the attempts of ‘Aziz to keep the matter hush-hush and quiet, the news spreads. SubhanAllahthis is the Sunnah of …
Surah Yusuf #27
And if his shirt is torn from the back, then she tells a lie, and he is of the truthful (ones).” Surah Yusuf 27 Tafseer “And if the shirt has been torn from the back, then she is the one who is telling a lie, and he is the one who is speaking the truth.’” …
Surah Yusuf #25
And they both raced to the door and she tore his shirt form the back. They both found her husband by the door. She said: ‘What is the punishment for him who intends evil to your wife save he be imprisoned or a painful chastisement? Surah Yusuf 25 Tafseer “… (The two of them raced …