“Go back to your father and say: ‘O’ father! Verily your son has committed theft, and we did not bear witness except to what we knew, and we were not guardians of the Unseen’.” Tafseer In this ayah as well we find pearls of wisdom come from the tongue of this ‘big’ brother. This shows …
Tag Archives: parents
Surah Yusuf #80
“So when they despaired of (moving) him, they conferred in private. The eldest of them said: ‘Don’t you know that your father has taken a solemn covenant from you in Allah’s name, and before that you failed to perform your duty with Yusuf? Therefore, I will never leave this land until my father permits me, …
Surah Yusuf #76
“And so he began (the search) with their bags before the bag of his brother. Then he drew it out from his brother’s bag. Thus did We contrive for Yusuf’s sake; for he could not take his brother in accordance with the king’s law, except that Allah willed. We raise the degrees of whomsoever We …
Surah Yusuf #68
“And when they entered in the manner their father had enjoined them, it availed them nothing against Allah; but (it was) a need in Yaqoob s soul which he so satisfied; and verily he was possessed of a knowledge for that We had taught him, but most people do not know.” Tafseer Last week, we …
Surah Yusuf #67
“He also said: ‘O’ my sons! Do not enter by one gate, but enter by separate gates. Yet I cannot avail you anything against Allah. Judgment belongs no one but Allah. In Him do I put my trust, and in Him let all that trust put their trust’.” *Tafseer:* After winning the approval of their …