“So when they despaired of (moving) him, they conferred in private. The eldest of them said: ‘Don’t you know that your father has taken a solemn covenant from you in Allah’s name, and before that you failed to perform your duty with Yusuf? Therefore, I will never leave this land until my father permits me, …
Tag Archives: sin
Surah Yusuf #73
“They said: ‘By Allah! You know well (that) we have not come to make mischief in the land, and we are not thieves’.” The brothers, disturbed by these words, were not aware of the roots of the problem. In their reply, they seem certain that the Egyptian authorities knew that they were not the type …
Surah Yusuf #66
“He said: ‘ Never will I send him with you until you pledge a solemn covenant to me, in Allah’s name, that you will surely bring back to me, unless you are surrounded in (an evil accident).’ And when they had sworn their solemn pledge, he said: ‘ Allah is Guardian over what we say’. …
Surah Yusuf #35
“Then it seemed to them, after they had seen the signs (of his innocence), to imprison him till a time.” TAFSEER From Palace to Prison: The strange meeting between the Egyptian women and Yusuf in the palace of the ‘Aziz, with its particular tumult, ended. The fear of the increasing damage the sex scandal was …
Surah Yusuf #34
“So his Lord answered him and He turned away from him their guile; verily He is the All Hearing, the All Knowing.” Tafseer; According to the Divine promise, Allah always accepts the supplications of the pious. Those sincere fighters for a holy cause (whether it be against one’s self, or an outward enemy) and those …