“Till when the messengers despaired and they (disbelievers) thought they had been told a lie, Our help came to them and We delivered whom We pleased. But Our punishment will not be averted from the guilty people.” In this ayah, Allah reminds the Prophet (PBUH) and us as well how all of the prophets and messengers …
Tag Archives: success
Surah Yusuf #92
He said: ‘There is no reproachagainst you this day. Allah may forgive you; and He is the most Merciful of the merciful (ones)’.” He said, “There shall be no blame on you today.” He doesn’t even say, “I will not blame you.” He makes it third person and neutral and removes himself from the picture. …
Surah Yusuf #73
“They said: ‘By Allah! You know well (that) we have not come to make mischief in the land, and we are not thieves’.” The brothers, disturbed by these words, were not aware of the roots of the problem. In their reply, they seem certain that the Egyptian authorities knew that they were not the type …
Surah Yusuf #56
“And thus did We give power to Yusuf in the land, to make his dwelling there wherever he wished. We reach with Our mercy on whomsoever We please, and We do not waste the reward of the righteous.” Throughout this Surah the Divine Will is constantly juxtaposed against the will of man, the latter which, …
Surah Yusuf #38
“And I have followed the way of my Fathers, Ibrahim , Ishaq, and Yaqub . It is not for us that we associate any partner with Allah. All of this is a part of the favor Allah has bestowed upon us and upon the people, but most of the people are not grateful.” Surah Yusuf …