“He said: ‘Allah forbid that we take (anyone) other than him with whom we found our property. Indeed (if we did so) we would certainly be of the unjust ones’.” Surah Yusuf #79 Yusuf immediately turned down this proposal, implying that a just person will never punish an innocent man for an offence which had …
Tag Archives: Tafseer
Surah Yusuf #78
“They said to Yusuf, ‘O ‘Aziz, he has a father who is a shaykh and kabeer, so why don’t you take one of us instead of him? We see you to be of those who are very righteous and very noble.’” Surah Yusuf #78 We had reached in our story of Surah Yusuf the point …
Surah Yusuf #77
“They said: ‘If he steals, a brother of his had stolen before.’ But Yusuf kept it secret within his heart and did not reveal it to them. He said: ‘You are in a worse situation, and Allah knows best (the truth) of what you state’.” Surah Yusuf #77 TAFSEER “They said, ‘If he is stealing, …
Surah Yusuf #75
“They said: ‘The penalty thereof is that he in whose bag it is found shall himself be (held as bondsman) in penalty for it. Thus do we punish the unjust’.” Tafseer This means he will become a slave, and this was the law Ya‘qub (‘alayhi salaam) and the children of Isra‘il at the time. This …
Surah Yusuf #74
“What will be the punishment / penalty if it turns out that you are lying?” Lying in what? Lying in saying, “We are not thieves. You have just said, ‘We don’t steal.’ If it turns out you are lying, what will be the penalty?” Tafseer ; Here is the beauty of the plan of Yusuf …