“Go back to your father and say: ‘O’ father! Verily your son has committed theft, and we did not bear witness except to what we knew, and we were not guardians of the Unseen’.” Tafseer In this ayah as well we find pearls of wisdom come from the tongue of this ‘big’ brother. This shows …
Tag Archives: thought
Surah Yusuf #82
“And ask at the town in which we were and the caravan with which we travelled hither, and verily we are indeed truthful.” Tafseer In the next ayah, Allah radically shifts to a totally new scene. Now the setting is different, and the characters are different as well. Allah ended the previous ayah with the …
Surah Yusuf #70
“Then, when he provided them with their provisions, he put the drinking cup into his brother’s saddle-bag. Then a herald shouted: ‘O you men of the caravan! You are certainly thieves!’” Tafseer “When he prepared their provisions…” Allah ‘azza wa jall mentions this, and we understand that another transaction has taken place. They brought forth …
Surah Yusuf #69
“And, when they entered unto Yusuf, he lodged his (own) brother (Benyamin) with himself, saying: ‘I am your brother; so do not grieve at what they were doing’.” TAFSEER According to the narrations, when Ya‘qub’s (as) sons arrived in Egypt, Yusuf hosted them and ordered a table full of various foods for every couple of …
Surah Yusuf #65
. “And when they opened their baggage, they found their merchandise had been returned to them. They said: ‘O our father! What (more) can we desire? This is our merchandise (that) has been returned to us. We shall get provision for our family, and guard our brother. And we shall obtain an extra camel’s load. …