“And come the brothers of Yusuf and appeared before him. He recognizes them, while they did not recognize him.” TAFSEER ; What we can surmise from these three or four words is that a number of years have gone by, and the drought has spread in all of Egypt and the surrounding lands all the …
Tag Archives: Yusuf
Surah Yusuf #57
“And the reward of the Hereafter is surely better for those who believe and constantly observe Taqwa “ Sura Yusuf 57 TAFSEER Yusuf is now, masha’Allah, the richest man in Egypt and has his entourage and palace and power, but the reward of the hereafter is even better for those who truly believe and have …
Surah Yusuf #56
“And thus did We give power to Yusuf in the land, to make his dwelling there wherever he wished. We reach with Our mercy on whomsoever We please, and We do not waste the reward of the righteous.” Throughout this Surah the Divine Will is constantly juxtaposed against the will of man, the latter which, …
Surah Yusuf #55
He said, “Appoint me to ( supervise) the treasures of the land. I am indeed a knowledgeable keeper.” Surah Yusuf 55 TAFSEER This means the grain and the crops. In other words, in our times it means, ‘Make me the minister of finance. Make me the person who is in charge of finance.” I will …
Surah Yusuf #41
“O my fellow prisoners, one of you will serve wine to his master, while the other will be crucifer and birds will eat from his head. Destined is the matter you are asking about.” TAFSEER From here on, he begins interpreting the dreams of those two prisoners, but before this Yusuf had preached them Monotheism …