Yusuf Verse #103

“And most people will not believe, though you desire it.”

Allāh is saying, “Even though it is so clear that this Qurʾān is from Allāh and even though it is so clear that you are getting waḥy, most of mankind will not believe despite the fact that you want them to believe.” 

This clearly shows us the mentality of our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam). 

He wanted good (khayr) for his ummah. 

Ḥariṣ means to be extra eager and extra passionate about something. 

Allāh ‘azza wa jall uses this word for our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) in Sūrah Tawbah: 

“There has come to you a prophet amongst you. 

He finds it difficult to see your pain. 

He is ever protective, ever careful, ever loving towards you. 

The Rasūl is extra merciful and extra compassionate as much as humanly possible.

Allāh ‘azza wa jall Himself calls our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) ever eager to help you and guide you. 

Our Prophet (ṣallallāhu ‘alayhi wa sallam) also explained in one ḥadīth: 

“My example with my nation and my people is that I see them trying to jump into the fire, and I’m holding onto their belt trying to drag them out, and they want to try to disobey me and jump into the fire.” 

He is describing his relationship with the people. 

He doesn’t care if they are acting foolishly, he has to try to save them. 

This is what Allāh ‘azza wa jall is saying: 

“I know you are eager for your people. I know you want to guide your people, but it is not your job. Your job is to convey. “

Allāh ‘azza wa jall is just giving us the status quo that
“no matter how eager you are, ya Rasūlullāh, and no matter how much you want to guide them, the majority of people, even if you want, are not going to be guided.” 

This shows us that the truth does not necessarily lie in the majority. 

The majority can say something, within Islam or outside of Islam; the truth is independent of numbers and quantity. 

The truth is quality. 

Sometimes it has quantity, such as the time of the sahabah, and sometimes it doesn’t. 

This is a verse that clearly shows us that if 20 people or 50 people want to propagate something, it doesn’t necessarily make it the truth. 

The truth is different than what the majority might say.